City of Asheville launches Community EMT Pilot Program downtown

In response to feedback from downtown stakeholders about the need for increased resources to maintain a welcoming, safe downtown experience, the City of Asheville has launched a Community EMT Pilot Program. The vision is for this six-week pilot program to integrate the roles of public safety official and medical responder into one team. Under this pilot [...]

Waterline replacement project to cross Tunnel Road

The City of Asheville will install a new 30-inch waterline to better serve Asheville Water Resources customers along a short section of Tunnel Road, Kenilworth Road and Beaucatcher Road area, starting Aug. 28 (see the project area map below). The project will be installed parallel with an aging, undersized waterline in this area. Will there be [...]

Newly adopted Asheville Transit Master Plan to result in more and better ART bus service

Last fall, the City of Asheville Transportation Department began working with the public to develop a new Transit Master Plan for the ART bus system. The Transit Master Plan serves as a guide on topics such as how and where ART will provide transit service. Further, it is designed to ensure safe, convenient and accessible [...]

Asheville Police opens registration for fall Citizens Police Academy

The Asheville Police Department invites residents to apply for the fall semester of the Citizens Police Academy (CPA). This free course teaches participants about the philosophies, policies and guiding principles of law enforcement and the ethical conduct governing police services in the community. It gives participants an opportunity to appreciate and better understand the problems [...]

Development Services releases updated fee schedule and improved fee calculation tools

Following in-depth study and public comment, Asheville’s Development Services Department (DSD) has released its FY 2019 Fee Schedule, which goes into effect July 1, 2018. The new Fee Schedule is the result of nine months of analysis and customer input. In fall 2017, DSD undertook a comprehensive study of current fees with the support of California-based Matrix [...]

Renee’ White named Asheville Volunteer of the Year

When you see the list of volunteer activities Renee’ White is involved with, you may wonder how she has time for it all. President of the East End/Valley Street Neighborhood Association for seven years, Ms. White received the Volunteer of the Year Award during Asheville City Council’s May 22 meeting. East End/Valley Street Neighborhood Association members [...]

Be bear wise: Keep them out of your yard by reducing their exposure to food sources

With spring, Buncombe County bears get on the move. Normally shy, they’re hungry and they have baby bears to feed. Problem bears are rare in the City of Asheville. But the City is getting calls about some bears getting into trash cans. More than a third of the calls N.C. Wildlife Resources get about bears statewide come [...]

One-stop portal: Press releases, graphics and documents related to APD excessive use of force investigation in one place

The City of Asheville has gathered all press releases, graphics and documents related to a former Asheville Police officer excessive use of force investigation into this portal on the City of Asheville website. The information relates to an use of excessive force against Johnnie Jermaine Rush by former Officer Christopher Hickman in August 2017. See the links [...]

Start your engine, small businesses! Asheville Test Drive program launches

Have an idea for a small business but not sure how buyers would embrace it? A new program in partnership with Mountain BizWorks and the City of Asheville gives people an opportunity to test their ideas in a low-risk environment. It’s called Test Drive and here’s how it works. This innovative partnership gives fledgling businesses the [...]

Composting comes to Thomas Wolfe Auditorium!

A triple-stream recycle/compost/landfill program has just launched at USCC’s Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. Instead of two bins to dispose of your concession trash, there are now three. So what goes in what? Here’s a guide. Recycle         Plastic bottles         Cans         Glass bottles Compost         All cups         Cup carriers         Food waste         Plates         Bowls         Utensils Landfill         Candy boxes and wrappers         Condiment packets         Foil wrappers [...]

Showing 325-336 of 457 results