Asheville awarded $4.6 million by TDA to complete the RADTIP Project

Left to right are TPDF Committee Chair Robert Foster, Mayor Esther Manheimer, BCTDA Chair Jim Muth and Explore Asheville President & CEO Stephanie Brown.   The Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) voted at its regular Oct. 25 board meeting  to increase its investment in the City of Asheville’s Riverfront Redevelopment Program. The board voted to invest $4.6 [...]

Judge rules in City of Asheville’s favor in bond lawsuit

Today, Oct. 20, 2017, The Honorable Superior Court Judge William H. Coward ruled in favor of the City of Asheville in a lawsuit regarding the Nov. 8, 2016, voter-approved bond election.   Judge Coward ruled that that the General Obligation Bonds at issue are valid and the City can legally proceed with issuing the bonds and the [...]

Sanitation experts tell all: The dirt on leaf collection

Assan Salley, left, and Bryant Williams collect leaves and brush for Asheville Sanitation.   Pitch in to help City of Asheville Sanitation staff do their job more safely and efficiently   Those colorful trees decorating Asheville’s yards and streets will soon shed their leaves, transforming their beauty into the dreaded task of yardwork. Dealing with all those leaves can be daunting! Just [...]

avl alert logo and web address

Video: Register now for AVL Alert

Stay up to date on street closings, water outages and other emergency and nonemergency information by signing up for AVL Alert, the City of Asheville’s citizen notification system. Messages can come to your cellphone, email or through a phone call. You can get alerts for multiple addresses to keep up with aging parents, for example. This video [...]

Asheville storm runoff mapped to Mississippi River

Have you ever wondered where the water in the French Broad River goes? Or where it comes from, for that matter?   A new tool created by the City of Asheville Stormwater Services GIS team titled “Wandering Your Watershed” maps out the waterflow — from its many local tributaries, to the Tennessee River, then through [...]

City’s IT department unveils aerial maps documenting Asheville’s development

This 1951 aerial map shows an Asheville before interstates were built. The Asheville Through Time webpage tracks their development as well as other aspects of the city, such as deforestation.       An online tool recently developed by the City of Asheville shows how the city has grown and changed in the past 66 years.   The City of Asheville unveiled a [...]

Asheville Police share ride-share program safety tips

The Asheville Police Department is investigating a sexual assault incident that occurred on July 24, 2017, involving a male posing as a driver for hire. The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his 30s with a goatee. He drives a white newer model sedan and speaks broken English and Spanish. APD encourages anyone [...]

Still time to apply for Asheville Police Department’s Fall Citizens Police Academy

The Asheville Police Department invites residents to apply for the Fall semester of the Citizens Police Academy.   The Citizens Police Academy is a free course that teaches citizens about the philosophies, policies and guiding principles of law enforcement and the ethical conduct governing police services in the community. It gives citizens an opportunity to appreciate and [...]

Asheville velodrome getting a makeover

 Photo courtesy of VeloSports Racing Team and Boyd Cycling Ring of Fire     Attention bicyclists who use the velodrome in Carrier Park: The velodrome renovation is about to begin. The great news: We’re going to have a better-than-ever velodrome for our community when the project is completed. The other news: There will inevitably be some down time for bicyclists [...]

City of Asheville seeks applications for temporary programming at 68 Haywood Street

The City of Asheville has cleared gravel off the City-owned property at 68 Haywood Street and is making other modest improvements to make way for public access and temporary uses of this City-owned site. The City has now issued a “Request for Expressions of Interest,” seeking ideas for organizing temporary programs in the space. It [...]

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