City of Asheville announces new Division Manager for Community Development, Dennis Newburn

The City of Asheville welcomes Dennis Newburn to its Community and Economic Development department. Newburn will serve as Community Development Division Manager and manage the HOME and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs. He brings extensive experience in the areas of program administration, project management, contract compliance, program monitoring, and community planning. Newburn comes to Asheville [...]

City of Asheville announces the retirement of Asheville Fire Chief Scott Burnette

Fire Chief Scott Burnette is retiring after serving the community for over 28 years, with the last 14 years as fire chief. His last day will be June 1, 2023. “Chief Burnette has been an incredible leader both to his department and the organization as a whole,” said City Manager Debra Campbell. “Through his years of [...]

people meeting at a table view from the top

City of Asheville seeks community ground teams to engage public regarding plastic reduction

The City of Asheville is seeking to pay community engagement ground teams to support inclusive engagement on a potential policy and/or program – a policy/program that would require the reduced consumption of single-use plastic bags and expanded polystyrene (styrofoam™) takeout foodware containers. “Ground teams” can be one or more people operating as an individual or under [...]

neighborhood street view

City of Asheville announces third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants; Applications up to $5,000

The third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants is open for applications, bringing City investments into Asheville’s neighborhoods. Applications will be accepted from March 27 to May 27, 2023. Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funds which they will then match through volunteer time, fundraising and in-kind donations.  The Neighborhood Matching Grant program was created [...]

Community invited to Senior Games 2023 opening ceremony

All community members are invited to celebrate older athletes and artists during the opening ceremony for this year’s Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts (ABSGSA) on Thursday, March 30, from 2-5 p.m. at Carrier Park. There will be music, refreshments, brief remarks, and giveaways throughout the day. The ceremony is free and allows [...]

three women playing pickleball on a dual lined court

Dual lines added at public outdoor racquet sports courts, shared use schedule for pickleball and tennis begins March 13

Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) previously announced all outdoor hard surface public tennis courts maintained by the City of Asheville would become dual-lined, converting them to shared use courts to support local growth of pickleball and tennis. This decision followed months of meetings between local players of both sports. Court conversions have [...]

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