Asheville City Council wraps up budget negotiations, paving way for adoption

  Budget discussions for Fiscal Year 2018-19 have been ongoing since early fall, 2017, as staff worked with the community and City Council to move key initiatives forward.   By state law, the City of Asheville must pass a balanced budget by July 1 each year. In every budget year, getting  there entails conversations between staff, Council and [...]

One-stop portal: Press releases, graphics and documents related to APD excessive use of force investigation in one place

The City of Asheville has gathered all press releases, graphics and documents related to a former Asheville Police officer excessive use of force investigation into this portal on the City of Asheville website. The information relates to an use of excessive force against Johnnie Jermaine Rush by former Officer Christopher Hickman in August 2017. See the links [...]

City Council issues statement regarding ICE operations in Asheville area

  A joint statement by Asheville City Council In light of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operations in Western North Carolina this week, we understand many members of our community, especially our Latinx community, may be afraid. As your elected leaders, we want everyone to feel that Asheville is a welcoming community and we care about all of [...]

Asheville’s larger development fees to rise, tennis center passes lowered

    City Council passes fee adjustments for the 2018-2019 fiscal year     With spring comes birds singing, longer days and — the City of Asheville budget season. Prior to adopting the 2018-2019 budget in June for the fiscal year, each April Council passes its fee adjustments. On April 10, City Council adopted its Fees & Charges for FY 2018-2019.     How [...]

Asheville City Council to hold March 29 called meeting for closed session

  Asheville City Council will hold a special called meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 29, to go into closed session. During this session, Council will consult with the City Attorney and consider personnel matters.  Please find the meeting notice below. Contact City Clerk Maggie Burleson at with questions.   The Asheville City Council Finance Committee will [...]

Asheville City Manager Gary Jackson leaves position

The Asheville City Council has unanimously decided to replace City Manager Gary Jackson effective at the close of business March 20, 2018. We appreciate the many successes Gary has brought Asheville in his 13 years here; however, we believe that making this change now is in the City and his best interests. Assistant City Manager Cathy [...]

Asheville City Council to hold March 20 worksession

  Asheville City Council will hold a worksession at 2 p.m. March 20 in the Council Chamber, second floor of City Hall, 70 Court Plaza.   The agenda for the March 20 City Council worksession is available by clicking on this link.   Among items on the agenda are Council discussion to set priorities to address policing in [...]

Asheville City Council issues statement to the community in wake of APD excessive use of force

  A statement by Asheville City Council   Like you, we are angry. We are angry that a black man walking home from a long day at work was stopped for jaywalking — something most of us do regularly without consequence.  We are angry that Johnnie Rush was attacked, beaten, choked and tased by a white police officer [...]

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