City Council appropriates funding to repair flood-damaged parks, including soccer complex

Asheville parks adjacent to the Swannanoa and French Broad rivers took a hit during the May 30 flood, damaging Azalea Park, including the John B. Lewis Soccer Complex in particular.   For safety, the City closed the facility until it can be repaired. In June, shortly after the flood, Parks & Recreation staff completed initial damage assessments [...]

Asheville City Council wraps up budget negotiations, paving way for adoption

Budget discussions for Fiscal Year 2018-19 have been ongoing since early fall, 2017, as staff worked with the community and City Council to move key initiatives forward. By state law, the City of Asheville must pass a balanced budget by July 1 each year. In every budget year, getting  there entails conversations between staff, Council and [...]

One-stop portal: Press releases, graphics and documents related to APD excessive use of force investigation in one place

The City of Asheville has gathered all press releases, graphics and documents related to a former Asheville Police officer excessive use of force investigation into this portal on the City of Asheville website. The information relates to an use of excessive force against Johnnie Jermaine Rush by former Officer Christopher Hickman in August 2017. See the links [...]

City Council issues statement regarding ICE operations in Asheville area

A joint statement by Asheville City Council In light of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operations in Western North Carolina this week, we understand many members of our community, especially our Latinx community, may be afraid. As your elected leaders, we want everyone to feel that Asheville is a welcoming community and we care about all of [...]

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