Asheville City Council passes resolution condemning the actions of people who espouse hate speech and promote white supremacy

At its 5 p.m. August 22 meeting, Asheville City Council passed a resolution condemning the actions of white supremacists and racial violence in Charlottesville, Va.  On August 14 following the tragic events in Charlottesville, Va., Mayor Esther Manheimer issued a statement condemning the actions of people who espouse hate speech against any [...]

Asheville City Council votes to allow Sunday cocktail sales at 10 a.m.

Want a cocktail with your brunch before noon on Sunday? Now you can order one. At its July 25 meeting, Asheville City Council voted to allow sales of alcoholic beverages beginning at 10 a.m. The action comes after the N.C. General Assembly enacted a bill on June 29 allowing local governments to decide on whether to allow [...]

Adopted City budget is now online

Asheville residents see modest fee changes with new fiscal year, July 1 Fourteen cents per month. That’s how much most residents will pay in an increase for their stormwater services starting July 1. The City of Asheville’s fiscal year began July 1 and with it come some modest fee increases. Residents can find a list of all City [...]

Dashboard designed to make Asheville’s proposed budget more accessible

Municipal budgets can be tricky to follow. There are different types of costs — personnel, operations and capital. And there are many different types of revenues that help pay for those costs — property taxes, sales taxes, grants and fees to name a few. To make government budgets even harder to decipher, programs and departments [...]

Council committee recommends funding to address disparities

Support administered through Strategic Partnership Funds and Community Development Block Grants Closing the achievement gap to help minority and economically disadvantaged high school students gain academic footing. Opening housing opportunities, especially with emergency funds for rehousing to prevent homelessness. Supporting HelpMate domestic violence shelter so families in need have a safety net and resources to get away from abusive [...]

Asheville City Council identifies accomplishments from the past year

More than 40 items on the list During its Feb. 17 retreat, Asheville City Council revisited the Vision that it established in January 2016 and adopted on February 23, 2016, to ask, “What successes have we had in moving toward the Council’s Vision over the past year?” The following is a list that Council members identified during [...]

Asheville City Council approves Pritchard Park improvement project

At its Feb. 14 meeting, Asheville City Council approved a budget amendment, in the amount of $232,349, to establish a capital budget for the Pritchard Park improvements. This project can now go forward. The improvements to Pritchard Park are designed to contribute to a safe and inviting urban public space. Construction is expected to take place March [...]

Mayor gives State of the City address

City of Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer delivered her third annual State of the City Address Oct. 4 at the US Cellular Center. The Mayor highlighted the City Council Strategic Vision with an emphasis on equity and diversity and what city is doing in these areas.  “What we can do is focus on our service delivery, our [...]

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