City of Asheville payroll goes paperless

Earlier this month, the City of Asheville kicked off the new year by kicking paper pay stubs in favor of e-mailed payroll info. The move, which grew out of a Business Technology Improvement Project passed by Asheville City Council in 2009, reduces paper use by the city and increases accurate databasing and record keeping. According to [...]

Public weighs in on River District’s transportation future

A presentation at Asheville-Buncombe Technical College on Saturday Jan. 22 offered a glimpse at what could be the future of transportation in Asheville’s River Arts District, and attendees had the chance to give their input into how they envision changes in the corridor. The presentation was the first in a series of public input opportunities and [...]

City Hall energy efficient lighting retrofit means $15,000 annual savings

The recently completed replacement and retrofitting of nearly 1,000 lights and fixtures in Asheville City Hall will mean an annual savings to the city of $15,000, says Linda Fowler, Project Manager for the Office of Sustainability. The $125,000 installation, completed in mid-December, was funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and was identified [...]

City of Asheville seeking citizen ideas for IBM Smarter Cities tech grant

The City of Asheville’s Information Technology Services Department is collecting ideas from the public for technological opportunities as part of a proposed application for an IBM Corporation Smarter Cities grant. IBM is currently taking applications for up to $400,000 for technology improvements that provide enhanced and efficient interactions between citizens and municipal organizations. Asheville City Council [...]

Mayor Bellamy: Glen Rock Depot advances city strategies

The City of Asheville was one of many partners recognized at Thursday’s grand opening and ribbon cutting at the Glen Rock Depot at 372 Depot Street in the city’s River Arts District. The opening of the 60-unit mixed-use apartment complex by Mountain Housing opportunities is in stride with Asheville City Council’s strategies for affordable, green [...]

Pedestrian bridge reopened ahead of schedule

From a City of Asheville press release: ASHEVILLE – Responding to requests by community members and Asheville City Council, the North Carolina Department of Transportation on Thursday reopened a pedestrian bridge that spans I-240 near the Smoky Park Bridge and Hillcrest Apartments.  Asheville City Council voted in August to request the reopening. Though initially planned for mid-January, [...]

Public safety communications rely on diverse infrastructure

In the world of communications, diversity means increased reliability.  The city of Asheville uses a number of telecommunication tools to ensure public safety communications are in line with making Asheville the safest city in America when compared to cities of similar size. Information about the city’s public safety delivery systems is highly sensitive due to its [...]

2011 Boards and Commission openings offer opportunity for citizen involvement in local government

An Asheville City Council meeting may be the big event for those who follow local government, but meetings of council’s boards and commissions offer plenty of opportunity to participate in crafting city policy. 2011 will see seats becoming available on a wide variety of those boards and commissions, (click here for a PDF of upcoming [...]

City of Asheville issues warnings ahead of parking meter enforcement, makes pre-paid passes available

Beginning Nov. 19, the City of Asheville will begin enforcing a change in parking meter policy that says customers displaying handicapped parking placards or license tags will be required to pay parking meters. Leading up to that change, the city’s Parking Services began issuing warning tickets on Friday and distributing educational leaflets to cars displaying handicapped [...]

City of Asheville’s technology roll out increases efficiency across departments

In an organization of more than 1,000 people, speedy and accurate information flow means not only increased efficiency but also real dollars. That’s an underlying theme that emerges when City of Asheville employees talk about the recently launched technology upgrade that provides not only swifter access to data but also easier communication between city departments [...]

Geothermal heating/cooling, rain collecting roof among big steps at new Livingston Street center

Construction of the new recreation and cultural center at Livingston Street is well underway, and the first phase of the project is expected to be completed early next year. But some of the energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable elements of the project are already beginning to emerge. The Livingston center will be the first construction by the [...]

Speedway memorial dedicated at Carrier Park

Racing veterans, fans, and representatives from the City of Asheville and Buncombe County convened at Carrier Park on Amboy Road September 23 for the unveiling of a monument commemorating the former Asheville Motor Speedway. The site was home to the popular speedway from the early 1960’s until the track closed in the late 1990’s. It is [...]

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