young girls in dance group wearing black t shirts

Move indoors for fall: Volleyball, basketball, pickleball and more at Asheville Community Centers

With multiple parks featuring ballfields and volleyball, pickleball, tennis, and basketball courts, Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) offers plenty of opportunities to join pick-up games or play with organized sports leagues.  As days turn cooler, trading outdoor courts for indoor activities can keep you active all season. Community centers offer open gym time throughout the [...]

Asheville downtown After 5

City of Asheville Event Support Program accepting 2025 applications now through October 14

The City of Asheville Event Support Grant program is now accepting applications for the calendar year 2025. This program, facilitated by ArtsAVL, provides a competitive process for non-profit organizations to receive financial support for free and open events to the public, and conducted within Asheville’s streets, parks, and outdoor public spaces.  Grant funds can help make special [...]

three senior citizens in exercise class

‘Powering Connections’ during National Senior Center Month

Celebrated every year in September, National Senior Center Month spotlights how vital these centers are to the health and well-being of communities like Asheville. Senior centers provide support and encouragement to older adults, and offer a place for community members in the prime of life to discover unique interests, talents, and aspirations. This year’s [...]