aerial view of track at Memorial Stadium

Ribbon Cutting and Asheville Sports and Fitness Fair celebrates Memorial Stadium’s renovation on April 15

The City of Asheville invites the community to celebrate Memorial Stadium’s renovation with a community fair and ribbon cutting ceremony. The Asheville Sports and Fitness Fair aims to ignite community passion for wellness and will have many opportunities for residents to connect to Asheville’s  vibrant local sports and fitness scene. The Sports and Fitness Fair [...]

art drivers standing together with safety vests on

Appreciating ART transit employees on National Transit Employee Appreciation Day

March 18 is National Transit Employee Appreciation Day! Today, we recognize and celebrate the dedication of Asheville Rides Transit (ART) employees who keep our community moving.  When Tropical Storm Helene hit, ART became a vital lifeline for a city in crisis. With no potable water, widespread flooding, and impassable roads, ART’s swift actions ensured residents could [...]

media interviews while students work on the assessment

Archaeological Assessment by WCU students at Riverside Cemetery advances recovery efforts

The City of Asheville, in collaboration with Western Carolina University (WCU), FEMA, and the State Historic Preservation Office, has completed a key phase of the archaeological assessment at Riverside Cemetery. This assessment is a critical step in ensuring that historic and cultural resources are protected as the City moves forward with stump removal and continued [...]

David Melton and recipients of rotary club people of action award

City of Asheville Water Resources Department recognized at People of Action Gala

The City of Asheville Water Resources Department was recognized by the Asheville Rotary Club at its recent People of Action Gala. The event recognized outstanding local leaders who embody the Rotary mission of ‘service above self.’ Water Resources was recognized in the category Water Sanitation and Hygiene for its outstanding response in restoring potable water [...]

blue background with art bus and text reading art comprehensive operations analysis

City of Asheville launches ART Comprehensive Operational Analysis to enhance public transit

The City of Asheville is launching the ART Comprehensive Operational Analysis, a strategic initiative to improve transit services and align resources with community needs. The plan will evaluate ridership data, demographic trends, and roadway conditions to develop short and long-term recommendations for Asheville Rides Transit (ART). Jarrett Walker & Associates, a nationally-recognized transit planning firm, [...]

Asheville Downtown Improvement District announces board nominations are now open

The City of Asheville has contracted with the Asheville Downtown Improvement District (ADID) to execute the scope of work associated with the newly established Business Improvement District following a thorough Request for Proposal (RFP) process. As ADID moves forward with its mission to enhance the vibrancy and economic vitality of Downtown Asheville, the Interim Board of [...]

young boy sitting on fire truck

Truck City AVL returns to showcase the vehicles that keep Asheville running – including many vital to storm recovery

Vehicles and heavy equipment used by City of Asheville departments such as police, fire, public works, sanitation, water, parks and recreation, transit, and street services play a vital role in maintaining our city, public safety, parks and community centers, and water and transportation systems. These specialized vehicles and the teams that operate them have been [...]

Sam and James in front of mics in the WRES studio

What’s Up AVL! This week learn more about the CDBG-DR draft action plan with James Shelton

What’s Up AVL! The City of Asheville’s bi-monthly radio show allows the community to take a deep dive with the City of Asheville staff and departments. You can learn about different departments and what projects are taking place in your community. On this episode, host Sam Parada visits again with James Shelton, City of Asheville Community Development Division [...]