Tempie Avery Montford Center climb wall

Asheville Parks & Recreation offers indoor programming opportunities to help residents stay active as cooler weather approaches

Cooler temperatures are coming quickly to our mountains — but that doesn’t mean parks programming and activities are slowing down. Check out these indoor recreation and athletic opportunities through the fall and winter. Climbing wall at Tempie Avery Montford Center Looking for an activity that will strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility and challenge your cardiovascular system? [...]

Victoria G.

Voices from Asheville’s Emergency Shelter, Part 4: Victoria G.

The City of Asheville has been sharing stories from people staying at the emergency shelter at the Ramada Inn for the past month. This is the final story in our series. We want to thank everyone who has been so kind as to share their stories with us, and we believe that these stories have [...]

Asheville Parking pay stations

City of Asheville to resume charging at its parking garages with installation of new equipment

The City of Asheville’s Parking Services Division is excited to announce the launch of new parking equipment in each of our four parking garages. Parking in the garages has been free while old equipment has been removed, and replaced with new. The tentative launch dates for the new equipment are as follows for each parking garage: November [...]

Jason emergency shelter resident

Voices from Asheville’s Emergency Shelter, Part 3: Jason S.

This month, the City of Asheville is sharing stories from people who have been staying in the emergency shelter at the Ramada Inn that have been gathered by our partners at Sunrise Community for Recovery & Wellness. We’re extremely grateful that we’ve been trusted with these stories, as they are incredible tales of resilience and [...]

Voices from the Emergency Shelter Part 2: Timmy W.

This month, the City of Asheville is sharing stories from people who have been staying in the emergency shelter at the Ramada Inn. Our partners at Sunrise Community for Recovery & Wellness have connected us with people at the Ramada who are interested in speaking about their experiences. We at the City of Asheville are [...]

north fork auxiliary spillway

City of Asheville completes North Fork Dam Improvement Project

After more than three years of construction, the North Fork Dam Improvement Project is complete and fully operational.  The improvements provide long-term benefits by automating the decision-making element through capacity and safety measures, including reinforcing the earthen dams for seismic stability, providing additional spillway capacity to safely pass water from large precipitation events, and improved [...]

Reparations logo

City asks for feedback on reparations application process

The City of Asheville strives to always listen to our community. We have heard there is a need to spend more time on the Community Reparations Commission application process. Staff are working internally to ensure an inclusive process that engages our Black community members.  The City invites community members to take a survey of the proposed [...]

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