man and woman walking jogging in snowy forest

Be winter ready for parks and greenways adventures

One of the many advantages of living in Asheville is experiencing all four seasons. While some advice is evergreen, winter comes with unique challenges (and rewards!) regarding outside recreation. The Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) pros share tips below to stay comfortable and safe while exploring the city’s parks and greenways during cold temperatures. Note: [...]

N.C. Department of Transportation hosting a drop-in information session on the proposed Wilma Dykeman Greenway Extension

The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is holding a drop-in information session to discuss the proposed construction of the Wilma Dykeman Greenway Extension in Buncombe County. This exciting project will extend the existing Wilma Dykeman Greenway by 1.3 miles along Riverside Drive and the French Broad River, from near Hill Street to Pearson Bridge Road. [...]

hominy creek trailhead sinage

Project to enhance Hominy Creek Greenway sustainability and accessibility will temporarily close trailhead, parking lot

A trail project on the Hominy Creek Greenway is expected to begin on Monday, March 18. This project will close a section of the greenway and the parking lot at the Sand Hill Road trailhead. The closure will last approximately 1-2 weeks.  This project aims to enhance sustainability and accessibility along the greenway by elevating and [...]

let's talk transportation graphic with transportation staff standing together

Join Transportation staff at Let’s Talk Transportation in March

Are you curious about the transportation initiatives happening in our community? Do you want to learn more about the upcoming projects that will shape our city’s infrastructure? Well, mark your calendars because we’re inviting you to a series of drop-in office hours where you can do just that! At Let’s Talk Transportation you will have the [...]

man, boy in wheelchair and woman on paved greenway

Get moving with Asheville’s hiking, walking and rolling clubs

Actor and comedian Robin Williams said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” As the season officially arrives on March 19, the return of flower blooms and green leaves to Asheville make epic decorations for outdoor parties. Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) hosts a number of opportunities to hike, backpack, roll, or walk [...]

reed creek greenway entrance with sign

The City of Asheville seeks community input on the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study

The City of Asheville seeks community input on potential routes for the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study. The study evaluates routes along roadways and off-road corridors and to determine the preferred route. The study will also develop cost estimates and an implementation plan to construct the greenway.  Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will provide [...]

2023 NC Year of the Trail August Events

The City of Asheville’s River Arts District will be the backdrop of two greenway events in August.  The City of Asheville is proud to work with community partners, RiverLink, Land of Sky Regional Council and Connect Buncombe as they celebrate greenways for our community.  To celebrate our partners’ events, we will declare them to be [...]