Neighbors and City collaborate to reduce speeding

Like many streets in Asheville, Macon Avenue has a speeding problem. The corridor through the Grove Park – Sunset Mountain Neighborhood sees some 7,000 vehicles from a combination of residential, cut-through and tourist traffic each day. Unfortunately, many of these drivers exceed the speed limit through the residential area, a dangerous practice magnified the presence [...]

How leveraging funds earns Asheville more bang for the buck

The saying goes that, given a big enough lever (and fulcrum to put it on), you can move the world. That’s a tall order, but it is true that leverage applied at the right place can make a big impact, and leveraging funding is helping make big changes in quality of life and economic development [...]

Artist Hoss Haley to raise latest work in RAD

Above: Artist Hoss Haley with a model of his “Old Growth,” which will make an appearance in the River Arts District. Asheville artist Hoss Haley’s latest work will take a stop through the River Arts District, emerging over the coming months at the former site of the Ice House off Riverside Drive. In an agreement with [...]

Asheville map makers tap into public data

The Asheville Map, the creation of Bruce and Nora Daniel, is picking up accolades at the national level, like inclusion in the NACIS Atlas of Design and a nod from WIRED Magazine. The map, which portrays in full color downtown Asheville and the surrounding region, is chock full of visual details, pinpoint accurate [...]

Talking the Walk: The Road Safety Review Team gives roadway safety its undivided attention

What better way to see first-hand the challenges and opportunities for making Asheville’s streets safer for pedestrians, bicycles, and drivers than putting feet to the street? That’s the idea behind the City of Asheville’s Road Safety Review Team. This collaborative effort combines the professional knowledge of departments across the city organization as well as state [...]

City Council and WNC Delegates talk legislative priorities

Members of Asheville City Council and members of the Western North Carolina delegation met Monday December 1 to have breakfast and discuss Council’s legislative agenda for the 2014 long session. Council will approve this year’s legislative agenda at its Dec. 9 formal session. Photo from left to right: Senator Terry Van Duyn, Council Member Gwen Wisler, [...]

orange fall leaves

Leaf season is here! We got your bags.

Leaf season is upon us, and with that comes leaf collection. The City of Asheville Sanitation Department picks up leaves on an alternating schedule. Be sure to leave bags untied or use a reusable container marked “leaves”. And if you need some reusable bags, you can pick them up from any City of Asheville fire [...]

Showing 25-36 of 44 results