2013 Asheville-Buncombe Memorial Day Ceremony

On Monday, May 27, the City of Asheville Mayor’s Committee on Veterans Affairs and Buncombe County presented the 2013 Memorial Day ceremony at Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park. The ceremony commemorates the sacrifice and service that men and women have given in the name of protecting the nation, and was attended by veterans and [...]

Three promoted in Asheville Police Dept.

Three Asheville Police Officers took on new roles at a Jan. 31 ceremony at Asheville City Hall, with two receiving promotions and another filling a major leadership role in the department. Lts. Stony Gonce and Christopher Reece-Young were both promoted to the rank of Captain at the ceremony and sworn in by Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy. Reece-Young [...]

Asheville Fire Department recognizes promotions, new hires and achievements

For some, the ceremony held September 11 by the Asheville Fire Department was recognition of achievement and the effort they have given to the department and community. For others it was the beginning of a new career and life as a firefighter. But for each person at the ceremony, the day was a reminder and celebration [...]

Celebrating the newest link on the Reed Creek Greenway

A gathering of bicyclists, joggers, walkers and parents with strollers celebrated the opening of a new section of the Reed Creek Greenway on Saturday, Sept. 8. The event marked the latest addition to the City of Asheville’s growing greenway network. The Reed Creek greenway runs parallel to Broadway Street, crossing Cauble Street, and the addition is [...]

Asheville-Buncombe Memorial Day Ceremony 2012

Monday, May 28 saw the commemoration of Memorial Day in a ceremony held on Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park and presented by The City of Asheville Mayor’s Committee on Veterans Affairs and Buncombe County. The ceremony commemorates the sacrifice and service that men and women have given in the name of protecting the nation, [...]

Memorial Day observation marks transfer of the WNC Veterans Memorial to City and County

The annual Asheville-Buncombe Memorial Day ceremony held May 30 on Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park was a chance for residents and visitors to reflect upon and remember service men and women who had given their lives in the name of protecting the nation. This year, the event also marked a special milestone, as [...]

Groundhog Day at the WNC Nature Center

The word everyone was waiting for came out of the WNC Nature Center on Wednesday afternoon, as Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy and Nibbles the Groundhog had a Groundhog’s Day conference to predict the coming of Spring. The media event fell on the same day as the nationally-followed prediction by Punxsutawney Phil, but as Education naturalist Eli [...]

City of Asheville unveils new sidewalk addition in East Asheville

On Thursday, December 9, City of Asheville elected officials and employees joined community members from East Asheville to officially open a new stretch of sidewalk at the intersection of Tunnel Road and Beverly Road. The project was at the top of a list of priorities that came out of an April community meeting with area [...]

Asheville Police Department graduates 32 from Citizens Police Academy

In a Tuesday evening ceremony, the Asheville Police Department recognized 32 people who completed its Citizens Police Academy. The program, offered twice a year, takes participants through in-depth tours and descriptions of the inner workings of the Asheville Police Department to give them a better understanding of law enforcement and build relationships with APD officers. “The [...]

Mayor Bellamy: Glen Rock Depot advances city strategies

The City of Asheville was one of many partners recognized at Thursday’s grand opening and ribbon cutting at the Glen Rock Depot at 372 Depot Street in the city’s River Arts District. The opening of the 60-unit mixed-use apartment complex by Mountain Housing opportunities is in stride with Asheville City Council’s strategies for affordable, green [...]

New Oakley Police Resource Center opens in East Asheville

The Asheville Police Department’s recently opened Oakley Resource Center is the result of a series of partnerships and collaborations, all of which, says APD Chief William Hogan, were critical to the project’s success. The 2,500 square-foot facility provides a satellite station for the APD’s Baker District, which serves north and east Asheville, and officially opened with [...]

N.C. Mayors meet in Asheville

On Thursday Sep. 24 and Friday Sept. 25, Asheville was host to a gathering of the N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition. Mayors from North Carolina’s 26 largest cities, including Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy, gathered to discuss important issues common to their municipalities and build an advocacy agenda to present to the North Carolina General Assembly. The N.C. [...]

Showing 133-144 of 149 results