City of Asheville Fire Department is awarded a Class 1 fire rating

The NC Commissioner of Insurance and State Fire Marshal Mike Causey announced today that the Asheville Fire Department improved its fire rating from Class 2 to Class 1.   This improved fire suppression rating means not only is AFD better equipped to respond to emergencies, the new top rating should continue to significantly reduce insurance rates in [...]

Reparations logo

City of Asheville and Buncombe County Community Reparations Commission meeting, Dec. 5, 2022

The Community Reparations Commission is empowered to make short, medium, and long-term recommendations that will make significant progress toward repairing the damage caused by public and private systemic racism. The task of the Reparations Commission is to issue a report in a timely manner for consideration by the City, County, and other participating community groups for [...]

City of Asheville celebrates one year of free residential food scraps drop off sites

The City of Asheville is celebrating the results after one year of the free residential food scraps drop off pilot program. In 2022 so far, over 200,000 pounds (155 tons!) of organics has been diverted from the landfill.  Thanks to the participation of nearly 4,000 residents, this pilot program is reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions and saving [...]

City of Asheville announces projects funded by BCTDA Tourism Product Development Fund

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce projects that have received funding from the BCTDA Tourism Product Development Fund. Funding was announced at the Tourism Development Authority Board meeting on October 26. All four of the city’s applications received funding, with the top three priorities receiving funding at 100% of the requested amount. [...]

Preliminary utility location for Carter Ann Patton Stormwater improvement project

City of Asheville announces the Carter St., Ann St., and Patton Ave. Stormwater Project to begin

The City of Asheville Public Works Department is pleased to announce the Carter Street, Ann Street and Patton Avenue stormwater project is about to get underway.  As the City begins making improvements to the area, you may encounter large equipment and other construction related impacts.  Preparations and initial work in the area is expected to take place [...]

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