Asheville neighbors represent at 2nd Festival of Neighborhoods

The things that make Asheville great, and the changes we would most like to see, are most often found right outside the front door. That’s why neighborhood organizations can make such an impact both in their own back yards and city-wide. Building a stronger neighborhood network is one motivation behind the 2nd Annual Festival of Neighborhoods [...]

How leveraging funds earns Asheville more bang for the buck

The saying goes that, given a big enough lever (and fulcrum to put it on), you can move the world. That’s a tall order, but it is true that leverage applied at the right place can make a big impact, and leveraging funding is helping make big changes in quality of life and economic development [...]

Neighborhood groups invited to participate in Asheville Festival of Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) will hold the second annual Festival of Neighborhoods on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at A-B Tech in the Ferguson Auditorium at 2:00 p.m.  Asheville City Council established NAC to help strengthen the bonds of community and improve the quality of life for residents. This year’s festival will feature workshops focused on [...]

Positive response by property owners bolsters graffiti cleanup effort

The response of property owners in the City of Asheville to the latest phase of the 123 Graffiti Free cleanup effort has been overwhelmingly positive, with 83% of those notified of tags on their property cleaning or covering the graffiti. “We want to give a big thanks to all the property owners who have stepped up [...]

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