Thanksgiving Click It or Ticket campaign to kick off

North Carolina’s Thanksgiving Click It or Ticket campaign will run from Nov. 22-30. The program, a statewide partnership between local agencies and the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, aims to increase seat belt and child safety use rates through increased enforcement of the state’s seat belt law.   On Nov. 23, the Asheville Police Department (APD) and the [...]

City of Asheville names new Development Services Director

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce that, after a nationwide search, Wayne Clark will serve as the City’s new Development Services Director, effective Nov. 23.   “We are pleased to fill the critical Development Services Director position with such a proven leader. I am excited about the proven track record Wayne brings to us in [...]

Patton and Lexington avenue repaving begins Oct. 12

Get ready for some traffic construction in downtown Asheville during the next two weeks. Patton Avenue is slated for resurfacing from the west side of Pritchard Park to Biltmore Avenue. A shorter portion of Lexington Avenue will be resurfaced, from College Street to Patton Avenue. The work begins Oct. 12. The milling, patching, paving and striping will be [...]

City of Asheville launches recycling pilot project in Asheville Housing Authority communities

The City of Asheville strives to be a leader in sustainability, stating in the City Council’s Strategic Operating Plan the goal of taking sustainability practices to the next level by implementing ways to reduce city-wide solid waste. With the Zero Waste AVL recycling program, the City is making strides towards reducing the trash sent to [...]

Asheville Police Department launches ‘Sober Hero’ campaign

The Asheville Police Department, in partnership with the Asheville Alcoholic Board of Control (ABC), kicked off the “Sober Hero” campaign on October 10 at the Oktoberfest event in downtown Asheville.   Rather than promoting the designated driver, this campaign promotes the sober driver – that is someone who has a system free of all drugs and alcohol. [...]

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