professional picture of Brenda wearing a brown blazer and cheat print top

Equity & Inclusion Director Brenda Mills to retire

Please join the City of Asheville’s leadership team in congratulating Brenda Mills on her upcoming retirement effective January 31, 2024.  Brenda joined the City of Asheville in 2005 and has served in different roles including: Minority Business Program Manager, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Project Manager, Administrative Services Manager, Economic Development Specialist, Neighborhood & Community Engagement [...]

council members group photo

The City of Asheville releases statement on behalf of the City Council

Mayor Esther Manheimer read the following statement on behalf of the Asheville City Council. The statement was made at the beginning of the September 12, 2023, City Council session. The city council has completed its annual review of its appointees, the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Clerk.  In addition, as the manager’s contract [...]

Preliminary utility location for Carter Ann Patton Stormwater improvement project

City of Asheville updates on the Carter-Ann-Patton stormwater improvement project

Starting Sunday, September 17, at  7:00 p.m. contract work will begin that spans across Patton Ave. from the south to the north side. To ensure crew and community safety,  there will be a full road closure from N. French Broad Ave. down to N. Ann Street. This will take place at night only (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) to minimize traffic disruption and impact on area businesses and the community.  To further minimize impact, the area will be open to vehicle and pedestrian traffic on Friday and Saturday nights throughout the duration of this phase.

City of Asheville shares data from new solar installation at Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center

On July 28th, the City of Asheville “flipped the switch” on the photovoltaic array, commonly known as solar panels, at the Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center on Livingston Street.  Sustainable Energy Goals: This is the sixth City facility to include renewable energy production, the first being the Transit Station on Coxe Avenue.   Installation of the solar [...]

reed creek greenway entrance with sign

The City of Asheville seeks community input on the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study

The City of Asheville seeks community input on potential routes for the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study. The study evaluates routes along roadways and off-road corridors and to determine the preferred route. The study will also develop cost estimates and an implementation plan to construct the greenway.  Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will provide [...]

Stephanie dahl headshot

City of Asheville announces Stephanie Dahl to serve as Planning and Urban Design Director

Asheville City Manager, Debra Campbell, is pleased to announce that Stephanie Monson Dahl has been promoted to the position of Planning and Urban Design Director.  During her eighteen year tenure with the City, Dahl has demonstrated leadership in urban planning across many disciplines, including economic development, housing, land use, transportation, capital project planning, and parks and [...]

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