Asheville Splasheville

Splasheville to undergo renovation

  The City of Asheville Parks & Recreation Department announces that Splasheville, the very popular interactive splashpad located in Pack Square Park, is getting an overhaul.  Work begins this week to replace the plumbing, wiring, control system and repair or replace the surface tiles and supporting gridwork.  Weather permitting, work is estimated to take approximately 10 [...]

Asheville equity assessment illustration

Equity and Inclusion Assessment presented to Asheville City Council

  Three years after the inception of the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion, an internal assessment looks at the work conducted by the department and opportunities for improvement.   At their March 9 meeting, Internal Auditor Patricia Rosenberg presented the Equity and Inclusion Assessment findings to Asheville City Council. The assessment began as a request from Black [...]

Greenway photo illustration

Greenway construction to connect 2 existing greenways through 4 parks

  Construction to extend the French Broad River Greenway West this spring will connect it to French Broad River Park, creating a 4-mile stretch of continuous riverside greenway through four parks in Asheville.  During their March 9 meeting, Asheville City Council approved funding for the French Broad River Greenway West Bank Construction Project. Federal funds administered through [...]

City Council meeting modified graphic

Asheville City Council to hold budget work session prior to March 9 meeting 

  For safety and to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, Asheville City Council meetings will remain virtual at this time. That includes the March 9 City Council meeting. In addition to the 5 p.m. meeting Council will hold a 1 p.m. budget work session.   March 9 will be the first budget work session for the 2021-2022 budget. [...]

Asheville budget illustration

City of Asheville takes equity-focused approach to budget

Work sessions scheduled   It’s budget season for the City of Asheville. From March through June, City Council will work with City staff to review budget options, aligning Council and community priorities with available funding.   The City’s operating budget must be passed by July 1.    The discussions leading up to the final budget happen during budget work sessions, meetings [...]

Asheville Summer Camp 2021 poster

Asheville Parks & Recreation announces summer camps for 2021

Registrations begins March 1   Asheville Parks & Recreation announces a fun and exciting camp line-up for summer! Our camps may look a little different this year, but we’re still bringing the fun for youth and teens at our camp locations. All programs will follow public health guidelines and include enhanced safety measures, limited numbers of participants [...]

Windsor hotel

New Asheville hotel development ‘Public Benefits Table’ designed to meet community needs

    New hotel development in the City of Asheville should have less impact on nearby neighborhoods and provide more benefits to the community under new regulations approved by City Council Feb. 23.    Prior to adoption of the new regulations, City Attorney Brad Branham explained to Council that North Carolina law does not allow municipalities to outright ban [...]

code purple funding

Dogwood Health Trust donation designated to help Asheville’s homeless community  

  The City of Asheville will use funding support from Dogwood Health Trust to support people experiencing homelessness. At their Feb. 23 meeting, City Council voted to add the $50,000 donation for Code Purple shelter funding. Code Purple is a longstanding practice where homeless shelter providers exceed regular capacity and waive regular rules on nights when the [...]

CAYLA students at horse farm

City of Asheville opens application process for CAYLA program

  Applications are now open for the CAYLA program. The City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy (CAYLA) recruits, trains, and places eligible high school sophomores and juniors in paid summer internships that provide exposure to 21st century job skills.    Each summer, teens from across the City and County come together to learn and earn valuable job experience [...]

affordable housing illustration

City pulls Asheland Avenue proposal from Council agenda

  Asheville City Council has agreed, at the request of the City Manager, to pull the proposal to sell the land located on Asheland Avenue between Phifer Street and Morgan Avenue to the Haywood Street Congregation to build affordable housing. The proposal was initially scheduled for City Council’s Feb. 23 agenda.   Building new affordable housing remains and [...]

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