Hotel photo illustration

City of Asheville staff to present updated hotel development ordinance to Planning and Zoning Commission

    Following two City Council work sessions, the City of Asheville Department of Planning and Urban Design has further analyzed the proposed hotel development regulations and will be holding a public hearing to present the revised regulations at 5 p.m. Feb. 3 the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.    At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting , City [...]

Asheville police transparency dashboard screenshot

Asheville Police Department releases public transparency dashboard

  In keeping with a commitment to provide greater transparency and accountability, the Asheville Police Department (APD) has created a “one-stop” public data dashboard. The dashboard takes statistics available through open data sites, and puts them into one easily accessible location. The data is formatted in a way that is easy to understand and provides a [...]


Asheville extends repayment plan for customers who fell behind in utility payments

    Understanding the continuing economic hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Asheville is extending the safeguarding of City utility accounts for all customers from shut-offs due to nonpayment.   To be clear: Bills will not be forgiven, but rather customers who fell behind in payments will be offered payment plans to help them catch up [...]

Fees graphic

Asheville to waive some fees to help support local businesses during State of Emergency

  To help reduce economic hardship posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Asheville will continue to waive or suspend collection of fees on a case-by-case basis. Asheville City Council approved this action during their Jan. 12 meeting. The fees that may be waived include temporary uses, outdoor dining, a-frame signage, push carts, and associated trade permits. Many [...]

Water Operations photo

Asheville Mayor recognizes frontline and onsite City employees with proclamation

  In recognition of City frontline and  onsite employees who have remained on the job during the COVID pandemic, Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer issued a proclamation designating Jan. 12 as City Employee Heroes Day.   While all employees are essential workers, because all City jobs have to be done in order to provide our community with vital City services, approximately [...]

City Council meeting modified graphic

Asheville City Council continues remote meetings and here’s how to participate

For safety and to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, Asheville City Council meetings will remain virtual at this time. That includes the 5 p.m. Jan. 12 City Council meeting.  Here’s what you need to know to watch/listen and/or to participate in the Council meeting. This meeting can be accessed through the City’s Virtual Engagement Hub.

Person using cellphone in front of parking meter

On-street parking payment to change regarding use of Passport app

  The City of Asheville is committed to offering safe and convenient payment options for our services, including our parking meters.  In order to provide a mobile payment option at our parking meters, the City currently contracts with Passport Labs. This contract is set to expire Dec. 31.   In order to continue providing [...]

AVL collects app logo

Recycling day changes to affect 1,400 customers

Starting in January 2021, the recycling week (A or B week) will change for about 1,400 City of Asheville residents.  The recycling DAY will remain the same, but the alternating WEEK will change.   Residents who will be impacted by this change will receive a sticker on their cart notifying them of their new schedule, and those [...]

City of Asheville recognizing onsite and frontline employees

At the City of Asheville, all employees are essential workers, because all City jobs have to be done in order to provide our community with vital City services. During the pandemic, approximately 20% of the workforce was able to work from home. For the remainder of our workers, this was not an option.    While the governor [...]

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