climate change illustration

Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer signs Climate Mayors letter urging Congressional leadership to advance a sustainable economic recovery

  The City of Asheville has a strong record and long-standing commitment to sustainability. That’s why Mayor Esther Manheimer signed on to a letter sent  by Climate Mayors to Congressional leaders urging bold action to protect our planet and build a more just economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.    “Because only bold action can tackle [...]

Future I26 rendering

Following I-26 Aesthetics Committee report, City of Asheville opens survey for residents to weigh in on project

  The City of Asheville is looking for input from the community on a report prepared by  the I-26 Aesthetics Committee.   City Council established the Aesthetics Committee on April 24, 2018, to make recommendations for aesthetic treatments for all aspects of the I-26 Connector project including, but not limited to, shoulders, medians, bridges, retaining walls, signing, and [...]

dam gates and chute improvements

City of Asheville provides virtual presentation about completion of the North Fork Dam Improvement Project

After more than two years of construction, the North Fork Dam Improvement Project is nearing completion. This will deliver to our community a safer dam with more capacity to hold water from the reservoir and one that is better enforced against potential seismic activity. It is scheduled to be fully operational as of Oct. 31. As this [...]

hotel overlay map image

City of Asheville releases revised hotel overlay map as part of updated development standards

Visit the revised Asheville hotel overlay map at this link:   Over the last year, the City of Asheville Department of Planning and Urban Design has been developing revisions to the City’s hotel development standards, based upon recommendations from the Urban Land Institute and public input. This week, staff will begin presenting [...]

AFD rescue truck and trailer

Asheville Fire Department joins Buncombe County search and rescue team on standby for Tropical Storm Isaias

  The Asheville Fire Department assembled a team of eight firefighters to join the Buncombe County Task Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue Team (BCTF2 USAR) on a deployment assignment to Kinston, N.C., for standby to assist in emergency support due to probable effects of Tropical Storm Isaias. Isaias is projected to make landfall off the [...]

Outdoors bike skills course

Bike skills park to be built at Richmond Hill Park

  Construction will soon begin on a new bike skills park located within Richmond Hill Park (see concept map and skills board below).   The project is a collaboration between the City of Asheville Parks & Recreation Department and Pisgah Area Southern Offroad Biking Association (Pisgah Area SORBA). This addition to the park is a natural surface [...]

Parking garage

Asheville parking garages to resume fee collection with a modified system

  While parking has been free in City of Asheville parking garages since March 18, a modified fee system will resume Aug. 1.   On March 18, following the State and Local State of Emergency declarations due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the City waived all parking fees in order to support convenient access to goods and [...]

solar rooftop array

Solar energy systems to be installed on City of Asheville facilities as part of joint City-County renewable energy initiative

  On July 28, 2020, Asheville City Council approved the construction of onsite solar systems at five (5) City facilities. The five Asheville City sites are Wall Street Parking Deck, Burton Street Community Center, Shiloh Recreation Center, Fire Station 10 and Fire Station 11.    Collectively, this project will install a combined total of 259 kW of solar [...]

City Hall building dome

City of Asheville clarifies issue regarding upcoming Council vacancy

  Local law does not allow for a special election in this case   The City of Asheville recently released information regarding an upcoming City Council vacancy.  This will follow the upcoming resignation of Council Member Vijay Kapoor, who will be relocating outside of Asheville.  In response to media inquiries, a memo about filling Council vacancies from the City [...]

Recycle right illustration

Recycle Right with the help of AVL Collects

  Are you “recycling right?” We’ve all had that moment when we’ve gotten confused on what the City of Asheville accepts and does not accept in the Big Blue recycling bins.   Getting it right is important and here’s why: As a city, our contamination rate is on the rise. Where we were previously at a 5% contamination [...]

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