2017 in review: Bonds and RADTIP get off the ground, equity initiative begins and more

With 2017 nearly in the books, it’s time to take stock of City of Asheville initiatives and developments from the past year. Here are 10 initiatives that your City government got off the ground in 2017. We’ll have 2018 initiatives to look for in another roundup Jan. 1. Bond projects began In November 2016, Asheville voters approved $74 million [...]

RADTIP southern section greenway construction work to begin in new year

In 2017, the City of Asheville broke ground on the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project, known as RADTIP. You may have noticed greenway installation work along Riverside Drive between Jean Webb Park and the Craven Street Bridge. In early January, construction on the southern end of the RADTIP greenway will begin along Lyman Street between [...]

Asheville awarded $4.6 million by TDA to complete the RADTIP Project

Left to right are TPDF Committee Chair Robert Foster, Mayor Esther Manheimer, BCTDA Chair Jim Muth and Explore Asheville President & CEO Stephanie Brown. The Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) voted at its regular Oct. 25 board meeting  to increase its investment in the City of Asheville’s Riverfront Redevelopment Program. The board voted to invest $4.6 [...]

Update: Asheville’s River Arts District (RAD) Form-Based Code

Though it has not yet been adopted, the City of Asheville’s River Arts District (RAD) Form-Based Code project continues to move forward. Here is an update on where it stands. The RAD Form-Based Code is currently in the final review and approval stage of the adoption process. As opposed to traditional zoning code, which keeps uses [...]

New boat ramp opens in Asheville’s River Arts District

City of Asheville partners with NC Wildlife Resource Commission on new river access A new river access point on the French Broad River in Asheville’s River Arts District has just opened. This is a boat ramp on Riverside Drive just south of the Smith Bridge (190 Riverside Drive). The City of Asheville partnered with North Carolina Wildlife [...]

City of Asheville to hold groundbreaking ceremony for River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project

After seven years of planning with the community, construction of Asheville’s River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) will begin in August 2017. Please join Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer and other dignitaries for an official groundbreaking at 9 a.m. Aug. 23 at Jean Webb Park, 30 Riverside Drive. In keeping with the artistic nature of the [...]

8 River Arts Place (formerly 14 Riverside Drive)

City of Asheville to launch renovated 14 Riverside Drive with grand opening

An historic building renovated to enhance the character of Asheville’s River Arts District (RAD) will open to the public this month. Everyone is invited to come see the 14 Riverside Drive Arts & Culture Center during its grand opening, 3 to 6 p.m. July 21. This formerly bricked up building on a key corridor in the RAD [...]

14 Riverside Drive

RADTIP phased to get projects in the road

RADTIP improvements will widen Riverside Drive, adding bike lanes and sidewalks to make it safer for all modes of transportation. After years of careful planning, an exciting phase is about to begin in Asheville’s River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project, known as RADTIP. And that is the construction phase. After more than two years of [...]

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