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Wellness Wednesday: Sun Safety is Always in Season

With access to Asheville Parks & Recreation’s pools, parks, and greenways, it’s natural to get out in the sun during warm spring and summer days. This year, make sure it’s second nature to protect your skin from the sun when you go outside.

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Wellness Wednesday – Farm to table is easy in Asheville’s local markets

Farmers markets and community supported agriculture (CSA) programs provide opportunities to promote access to delicious, healthy foods and provide families with nutrition education. As trusted providers of accessible nutrition hubs and wellness opportunities, multiple departments within the City of Asheville have worked closely for years with local organizations to expand access to healthy food and locally made products from farmers, bakers, and others.

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Wellness Wednesday – Celebrate National Garden Month

As warm days become more plentiful, gardners throughout the city grow increasingly impatient to sink their trowels into the soil. U.S. Department of Agriculture has proclaimed April as National Garden Month to celebrate the contributions of home, school, and community gardens in providing healthy food for the table, pleasant surroundings and recreational benefits for neighborhoods, and habitats for wildlife across communities.

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Wellness Wednesday – Cultivate community through clean streets and streams

The City of Asheville has partnered with local organizations to host neighborhood cleanups over the next few weeks to keep litter off our streets and out of our streams. Lend a hand and enjoy physical and mental health benefits such as feeling a sense of accomplishment, getting exercise, enjoying fresh air, meeting new people, and all that comes with living in cleaner surroundings.

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Wellness Wednesday – Explore, Connect and Discover through Volunteering

Volunteers make an immeasurable difference in our community by filling the gaps that public service agencies and nonprofit organizations can’t bridge on their own. From coaching youth sports and mentoring students to keeping trash out of the French Broad River and growing fresh food in community gardens, Asheville has plenty of opportunities to get involved.

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Film festival highlights short films by women on March 30

Asheville Parks & Recreation closes out Women’s History Month with a screening of short films at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center produced by women from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30.

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Wellness Wednesday – Use failures as learning opportunities for success

From awards to photos on social media, we generally like to celebrate success. Often, we forget the mistakes, missteps, and miscalculations that may take place along the way. For many, the secret of success is that it can be built on the culmination of lessons learned from defeat. Those who turn failure into success are all [...]

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Wellness Wednesday – Take advantage of “falling back” by resetting your sleep schedule

To help understand the concept of daylight saving time, many of us were taught to “fall back, spring forward.” Although an hour is neither truly gained or lost during the year, the beginning of daylight saving time on March 13 can have an effect on your health. Good sleep habits are an element to success [...]

Showing 25-36 of 46 results