City Council to hold public hearing about homestay regulations

Short term rentals, or lodging rented out for less than 30 days, have been a topic of much debate in Asheville during the past six months. At the August  25 City Council meeting, residents are invited to attend a public hearing and give their input on potential changes to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) meant to “revise and simplify existing regulations for Homestays to expand the opportunity to a greater number of residences in the city.”


Different kinds of short-term rentals

Both a homestay and a vacation rental are a type of short-term lodging that is customarily found in a single-family home. A homestay requires that the owner or full-time resident manage the homestay operation and reside in the home that is shared with guests. A vacation rental does not normally have a full-time resident in the home. A vacation rental is allowed in many non-residentially zoned districts, but is not allowed in residential areas. A homestay may operate in a residential area.

The changes

Recommended changes include clarifying the definition of homestay as a resident-occupied lodging, reducing some of the previous size, parking requirements and increasing review and enforcement standards. The complete staff report describing all of the recommendations can be found here.