City of Asheville and Buncombe County Community Reparations Commission meeting, Dec. 5, 2022

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The Community Reparations Commission is empowered to make short, medium, and long-term recommendations that will make significant progress toward repairing the damage caused by public and private systemic racism. The task of the Reparations Commission is to issue a report in a timely manner for consideration by the City, County, and other participating community groups for incorporation into their respective short-term and long-term priorities and plans.


Community Reparations Commission Meeting – December 5, 2022

Agenda Item


I. Call to Order, Welcome and Chair Remarks

Dr. Dwight Mullen,


II. Roll Call Quorum reached
III. Action Item: Approval of the Agenda agenda approved unanimously

IV. Action Item: Approval of the Minutes

minutes approved unanimously

V. Review of November 7th Meeting Survey Data and Feedback from the Commission

Christine Edwards, Project Manager, reviewed survey data

Commission leadership enoucouraged members to fill out survey

VI. Old Business  
a. Immediate Recommendation: Stop the Harm (voting)
b. Legislative Agenda update

a. Dr. Dwight Mullen:  Dewanna Little asked to lead conversation about recommendation: read full recommendation to commission members.

amendment to add a reasonable date of completion  and Timely Accountability of the dispensation of these recommendations.

motion to approve Stop the harm proposed amendment  – and a second

recommendation vote taken by roll call: passed unanimously by present quorum

VII. New Business  
a. Commission Vacancies, Replacements and Alternates Dr. Dwight Mullen
b. IFA Engagement Structure, IFA Meeting Schedules

Christine Edwards,Project Manager:

2023 IFA schedule noted

c. Communication and Engagement Tools Discussion, City of
Asheville and Buncombe County Communication and Public

CAPE Teams from City and Co invited to speak about project support:
youth, working with an NC non profit,  will be documenting commission work and producing content to tell the story of the reparations commission

Also spoke of the outreach and community engagement efforts to support commission

d. Data Request Process and Update

Christine Edwards,Project Manager

update provided to members – Buncombe Co Director of  Strategy and Innovation Rafael Babtista lead conversation about data requests,assignment. and research 

e. Impact Focus Area (IFA) Updates

Dewana Little, IFA  Spokespersons

IFA Update:

Economic Development IFA spoke about : black biz development/incubator recommendation will be sent to commission members before next session

Housing IFA gave update as to progress and upcoming goals

Criminal Justice – summary update to meet sched – gathering plans and budgets 

Education – meet 2x / month: gathering info from ACS: recruiting and retention; black educators of excellence, starting to look at immediate harms (suspension of students)

Health & Wellness: developed 8 diff recommendation areas, meets every other tuesday

Roundtable Check-in with Commission Members bypassed
VIII. Public Comment (3 mins each) One sign up – public heard
IX. Wrap-Up

Dr. Dwight Mullen

a. Acknowledgements


b. Next Meeting January 9, 2023


IIX.  Adjournment

Dr. Dwight Mullen

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Community Reparations Commission is scheduled for  January 9, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.  at Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Banquet Room:  87 Haywood Street,  Asheville, NC 28801

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