City of Asheville hires new Transit Planning Manager as implementation of Transit Master Plan begins 

Eunice Lovi portrait
Eunice Lovi has been hired as Asheville's Transit Planning Manager.



The City of Asheville is pleased to announce a new Transit Planning Manager is now on board. The Transit Planning Manager is positioned to guide ART bus improvements, including implementation of the new Transit Master Plan. Eunice Lovi comes to the City of Asheville with more than a decade of transit management experience, most recently from the Broward County Transit system in Plantation, Fla.


Lovi has a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Oregon. Working with transit systems from California to Florida, she has implemented transit initiatives to increase ridership and improve system performance. She has experience administering state and federal transit grants, as well as applying for and earning them.


“The Transportation Department is beyond excited for Eunice to join our team,” said Transportation Director Ken Putnam. “She brings an unparalleled level of experience, energy and dedication to the transit division and we are confident that she will be successful in improving all aspects of our transit system.”


Job #1: Improving bus service

Lovi comes to the City at a time when Asheville is poised to make significant investment in transit for our residents.


The ART Transit Station on Coxe Avenue is undergoing a renovation to make the facility more useful with better signage, waiting area and restrooms. This renovation will incorporate solar panels on the roof of the center to generate renewable energy for its operation.


In July 2018, Asheville City Council adopted an updated Transit Master Plan, crafted with input from riders and residents. In June 2019, City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget, which includes $1 million in funding towards the first-year recommendations of the Transit Master Plan.  The plan focuses on incorporating ways to provide better on-time service for riders, as well as route expansions.  The first round of improvements will kick-off in January 2020.  


Also in June, ART deployed its first-ever zero-emission electric buses on ART Routes S3 and S6 to south Asheville and 170 to Black Mountain. Find more information about the electric buses at this link.


The Transit Master Plan is a 10-year plan designed with phased implementation, financing and staffing. So there will be more improvements to come, under Lovi’s leadership.


“It is an exciting time to be in Asheville and I’m looking forward to working with the community to improve our transit service and implement the Transit Master Plan,” Lovi said.


About ART bus service

Asheville Redefines Transit provides bus service throughout Asheville and to Black Mountain from 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays/holidays. The ART Station is at 49 Coxe Ave. 

The City contracts the operations and maintenance of the transit system and buses to a third party, currently RATPDev. The City oversees the contract and works closely with RATPDev staff who run the system.  

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