City of Asheville open for public input about upcoming sidewalk improvements at New Haw Creek Road

The City of Asheville would like to engage residents on a sidewalk improvement project in northeast Asheville.  The New Haw Creek Road Sidewalk Project is one of several transportation projects prioritized by City residents during public outreach for the 2016 capital improvements bond referendum.  

The City proposes to construct nearly one mile of new sidewalk along New Haw Creek Road from Beverly Road to Bell Road following a “best fit” alignment.  At the south end, the proposed sidewalk follows along the west side of New Haw Creek Road.  North of Dogwood Grove the alignment shifts to the east side, utilizing a mid-block crosswalk with ADA compliant ramps and curb cuts for safe access across New Haw Creek Road. Additional crosswalks and ramps are also proposed throughout the project.  Connecting to the existing sidewalk west of Beverly Road, the project expands the City’s sidewalk network, and creates greater opportunities for the surrounding community to walk to Charlie Bullman Park at the north end of the project. 

There will be an Online Community Engagement Meeting on Monday, March 28, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, where assistants will be able to review the project and design features. You can join to the meeting on Google Meet by clicking here or dial: ‪(US) +1 865-410-8492‬ PIN: ‪742 284 662‬#.

Construction is scheduled to begin in Fall 2022 and is expected to last approximately 12 months.  

To learn more about the project, please visit Public Input. If you want more information or want to provide some comments, please contact 

Lora Sepion, PE

Project Manager

Capital Projects Department

Phone: 828-575-4385
