City of Asheville releases final report on 100% Renewable Energy Initiative

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credit: rawpixel.com

The City of Asheville is one of 19 local governments within the State of North Carolina committed to setting renewable energy goals. The City partnered with Buncombe County staff to engage a consultant, The Cadmus Group, to develop a road map to implement City Council’s 100% Renewable Energy goal. Following months of discussion and community engagement, the final report on actions and policies we will take to get the City to 100% renewable energy is now available online at this link

100% renewable is an  ambitious and complex goal, and will require community partnerships and state support. Some of the recommendations are already underway, such as the recommendation to work with other entities to install renewable energy through an aggregated procurement initiative. On Sept. 24, 2019, City Council authorized an interlocal agreement with Buncombe County to conduct feasibility site assessments and to issue a joint request for proposals (RFP) for on-site renewable energy systems. 

The information provided in the report  will provide guidance to the City and County for actions to be considered and taken towards achieving the 100% renewable energy goal.