Closures coming up for pre-resurfacing construction on two street bond projects

Detour, road closed sign


Short-term pain for long-term gain. Please keep that in mind during road closures coming up for two transportation bond projects.

In March, the City of Asheville shared information regarding a general construction schedule for the Kenilworth Road and State Street bond projects. (Find that announcement at this link.) Now we’re getting closer to where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.

To recap, both streets will undergo stormwater and sidewalk improvements prior to the actual road resurfacing. And that’s where we are in the process right now.


State Street

Pending weather, the City of Asheville Stormwater Division will close State Street from Allen Street to Montana Avenue daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 27 to May 7. This will be to perform pipe replacement work in this area prior to the upcoming paving project. This will be a hard closure with residents and emergency personnel having access with minor delays. No thru traffic will be allowed. A detour will be set up during this construction. 

Of note, the State Street project includes pedestrian improvements — flashing pedestrian beacons and new crosswalks — at Pennsylvania and Wellington streets. The Hanover intersection will have pedestrian signals incorporated into the traffic signals. These safety improvements were incorporated after checking in with the neighborhood.

The resurfacing is expected to occur in July.

The State Street project is also part of the City’s Phase 3 Bond package. The entire .8 mile  length of State Street will be resurfaced. The budget for this project is $1.28 million.


Kenilworth Road

(Updated information)

Pending weather, the City of Asheville Stormwater Division will close Kenilworth Road from Chateau Place to Rosefield Drive daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 27 through May 14. This will be to perform pipe installation work in this area prior to the upcoming paving project.  This will be a hard closure with no access during construction hours. No thru traffic will be allowed. There will be no detour for this closure. 

This is being done in advance of the resurfacing, scheduled to begin around June 1 and expected to last four-five weeks. Milling to prepare for the resurfacing is expected to occur the last week of May.

The Kenilworth Road repaving project is part of the City’s Phase 3 Bond package. The entire 1 ½ mile  length of Kenilworth Road will be resurfaced. Existing speed humps will be reinstalled. The budget for this project is $800,000.

transportation bond logo

Thank you for your patience during this construction. Please reroute and avoid these areas, if possible.

The City’s bond transportation projects are on schedule and on budget. Keep up with progress by visiting Capital Project’s Bond Project Dashboard at this link.