Come learn about the City’s affordable housing bond progress at open house

Please note corrected date.

On Wednesday, Nov. 14, the City of Asheville will host an open house about the potential to create affordable housing on two City-owned properties. Everyone is invited to attend!

The drop-in style event happens from 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Asheville Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St., Room 109.

Asheville, like many other high-cost housing markets, is using vacant or underutilized public land to develop affordable housing options for people at all economic levels and stages of life. This effort is a large part of the $25 million Affordable Housing Bond Initiative, which city residents passed in 2016.

City staff and consultants that specialize in planning and urban design, environmental conditions, and construction market assessments will be at the meeting to walk guests through several information stations. The stations describe the planning process thus far, clarify what the City means when it talks about affordable housing, and show what could be possible for these sites in the future.

Residents can drop in at any time between 4 and 7 p.m., and refreshments will be served.

This is a follow up meeting for a planning process that started earlier this year, and has included engagement with area residents and businesses and oversight by the City’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. There is a public meeting of Council’s Housing and Community Development Committee (HDC) at 10 .m. Nov. 15 (corrected) in the Sixth Floor Training Room at Asheville City Hall. Comments from the open house will be collected and shared with the HCD Committee; and the public is invited to attend.

To learn more about all of the City’s affordable housing tools and programs, visit

For more on the bonds approved by voters in 2016, visit the City’s Bond Project Information webpage.