Community invited to come and view Haywood and Page Avenue design concepts

haywood street panorama view

The City of Asheville’s Haywood and Page Project team invites the community to participate in the next step of conceptual master planning for a pivotal City-owned site and it’s adjacent area in Downtown.  

A presentation and work session is planned for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Center for Craft, 67 Broadway St., downtown Asheville. Other opportunities to engage in this step of the process will be provided through mid-March. 

The Feb. 17 presentation will highlight how the design team built on the foundational work from the Haywood and Page Vision Report, their own site research and analysis, and input collected over the past four months to develop draft design concepts for the site. The work-session will be a time for the public to ask questions about the concepts and provide feedback.  

The public is encouraged to attend. Online materials and a survey will also be available later in February. 

The design team intends to present a conceptual master plan to the City Council in May. The feedback collected from the community during this time period will be used to help create that plan.  

Monday, Feb. 17 – Presentation and Community Work-Session 

6 to 7:30 p.m.

Center for Craft Ideation Lab, 67 Broadway St.

Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Drop-in Hours

10 to 11:30 a.m. and 

2 to 3:30 p.m.

Center for Craft Ideation Lab, 67 Broadway St.

Free parking will be available for attendees at HomeTrust Bank, 10 Woodfin St. Passes must be printed before and displayed in car windows, click here to print a pass. For more information, please visit this link on the City of Asheville website.