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The Community Reparations Commission releases draft recommendations

The Community Reparations Commission has been meeting since April of 2022 to develop short, medium, and long term recommendations. A batch of draft recommendations has been released. The recommendations align with the five impact focus areas of the commission: housing, economic development, criminal justice, education, and health & wellness. These draft recommendations are [...]

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Community Reparations Summit to be Held Oct. 7; Public Invited to Attend and Provide Feedback

Since March of 2022, the Community Reparations Commission has been working to establish short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations for consideration by the City of Asheville and Buncombe County Government. On Saturday, Oct. 7, a Community Reparations Summit will be held, providing an opportunity for the public to hear directly from the impact focus areas of [...]

Vice Mayor Sanra Kilgore stnads with new Habitat for Humanity homeowner

City of Asheville celebrates new homeowners with Habitat for Humanity

For those hoping to secure a home – there’s nothing quite like signing your name on the dotted line.  On August 3, several City of Asheville Council Members were on hand to watch that dream come true for some local families. The City of Asheville was one of the sponsors, working with the local nonprofit Habitat for [...]

Local examples of Missing Middle Housing including an accessory dwelling unit (left), small apartment house (center), and townhomes (right)

City of Asheville seeks input from renters for Missing Middle Housing Study; Public workshop scheduled for August 4

In April 2023 the City began a Missing Middle Housing study to identify barriers that negatively impact the production of housing supply in Asheville. The term “missing middle” is meant to describe a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units that are compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes, including [...]

juenteenth graphic

Remembering, Honoring, and Celebrating Juneteenth. Schedule for 2023’s Juneteenth Festival

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Asheville and Buncombe County, in partnership with the City of Asheville, has planned the 2023 Juneteenth Celebration with the intended outcomes of a diverse celebration that fosters broad participation, fosters community awareness and appreciation, and celebrates the liberation of enslaved people. Dating back to 1865, it was on [...]

neighborhood street view

City of Asheville announces third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants; Applications up to $5,000

The third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants is open for applications, bringing City investments into Asheville’s neighborhoods. Applications will be accepted from March 27 to May 27, 2023. Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funds which they will then match through volunteer time, fundraising and in-kind donations.  The Neighborhood Matching Grant program was created [...]

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