Parking garage

Parking Garage improvements are coming!

Good news for Downtown Asheville…four parking garages in the Downtown Central Business District will be receiving improvements: Harrah’s Cherokee Center, Wall Street, Rankin Avenue, and Biltmore Avenue garages. The improvements were identified in the comprehensive parking facility assessment that was completed in August 2023.  The assessment  identified select improvements and categorized by priority: Immediate Repairs – the [...]

reed creek greenway entrance with sign

The City of Asheville seeks community input on the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study

The City of Asheville seeks community input on potential routes for the Reed Creek Greenway Feasibility Study. The study evaluates routes along roadways and off-road corridors and to determine the preferred route. The study will also develop cost estimates and an implementation plan to construct the greenway.  Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will provide [...]

family of four riding bikes on the greenway

City of Asheville seeks volunteers for the Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count

The City’s Transportation Department is gearing up for its Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count to take place again this year. Each year, the counts are held the week after Labor Day. Counts are taken on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. This year, the dates are Sept 12th – 14th & 16th. The hours are on weekday mornings [...]

2023 NC Year of the Trail August Events

The City of Asheville’s River Arts District will be the backdrop of two greenway events in August.  The City of Asheville is proud to work with community partners, RiverLink, Land of Sky Regional Council and Connect Buncombe as they celebrate greenways for our community.  To celebrate our partners’ events, we will declare them to be [...]

road paving file photo

City of Asheville street resurfacing project for FY2023 kicks off this month

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce the initiation of the FY23 Asphalt Resurfacing contract, which is set to begin June 15, 2023. This project aims to improve the quality and durability of several roads within our community, enhancing the safety and convenience for motorists and pedestrians alike. The roads included in this resurfacing project [...]

What's Up AVL

Who’s up this week on What’s up AVL! – Transportation staff members Lucy Crown and Anna Sexton

The City of Asheville’s bi-monthly radio show allows the community to take a deep dive with City of Asheville staff and departments. Learn about different departments and what projects are taking place in your community. This week, the City of Asheville host Sam Parada sat down with City of Asheville Transportation Planning Manager Lucy Crown and Urban [...]

biltmore avenue parking garage

Biltmore Garage to temporarily close on April 11 through April 25, alternate parking arrangements available

Update: The temporary closure of Biltmore Avenue Garage has been changed to April 11, 2023, through April 25, 2023. The Biltmore Avenue Garage will remain open to monthly parking permit holders and hourly parkers until April 11, 2023. The dates were changed due to a shortage in critical materials needed by the contractor to proceed [...]

road paving file photo

Public Works Streets Division – We’re on a Roll for You

The City of Asheville Public Works Department currently maintains just over 400 miles of streets and nearly 200 miles of sidewalk within the city. With a 2022 calendar year budget just over 2 million dollars,  Streets division teams hit the streets,  tasked with carrying out the maintenance designed to safely keep our community moving.  Wyatt Street [...]

City of Asheville celebrates one year of free residential food scraps drop off sites

The City of Asheville is celebrating the results after one year of the free residential food scraps drop off pilot program. In 2022 so far, over 200,000 pounds (155 tons!) of organics has been diverted from the landfill.  Thanks to the participation of nearly 4,000 residents, this pilot program is reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions and saving [...]

Preliminary utility location for Carter Ann Patton Stormwater improvement project

City of Asheville announces the Carter St., Ann St., and Patton Ave. Stormwater Project to begin

The City of Asheville Public Works Department is pleased to announce the Carter Street, Ann Street and Patton Avenue stormwater project is about to get underway.  As the City begins making improvements to the area, you may encounter large equipment and other construction related impacts.  Preparations and initial work in the area is expected to take place [...]

Road closed Detour

College Street roundabout closures starting September 11, 2022

The Public Works Stormwater Division will replace a storm drain pipe on College Street that will require the closure of the College Street roundabout beginning on the evening of Sunday, September 11. The work will take place primarily between 7:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. for minimal traffic disturbances and will last approximately 4 nights. There [...]

Showing 18-34 of 38 results