family of four riding bikes on the greenway

City of Asheville seeks volunteers for the Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count

The City’s Transportation Department is gearing up for its Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count to take place again this year. Each year, the counts are held the week after Labor Day. Counts are taken on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. This year, the dates are Sept 12th – 14th & 16th. The hours are on weekday mornings [...]

asheville community garden

Bountiful Cities and Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council relaunch updated Asheville Edibles Map with City of Asheville

Local nonprofit Bountiful Cities and Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council partnered with the City of Asheville to release an updated interactive map showing public edible plants around Asheville.  Asheville is known for its vibrant food culture and commitment to sustainability. However, alongside a community of passionate foodies, there are individuals experiencing food insecurity. The Asheville Edibles [...]

grant center artist rendering

Celebrate the spirit of Southside at a block party and community center ribbon cutting on August 4

After years of neighborhood input, planning, and construction, Asheville’s Southside neighborhood has a brand new gymnasium, outdoor swimming pool, more community rooms for meetings and classes, outdoor basketball court, and spacious open areas to study and socialize at Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center, located on 285 Livingston Street. Southside families and community members [...]

Local examples of Missing Middle Housing including an accessory dwelling unit (left), small apartment house (center), and townhomes (right)

City of Asheville seeks input from renters for Missing Middle Housing Study; Public workshop scheduled for August 4

In April 2023 the City began a Missing Middle Housing study to identify barriers that negatively impact the production of housing supply in Asheville. The term “missing middle” is meant to describe a range of house-scale buildings with multiple units that are compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes, including [...]

road paving file photo

City of Asheville street resurfacing project for FY2023 kicks off this month

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce the initiation of the FY23 Asphalt Resurfacing contract, which is set to begin June 15, 2023. This project aims to improve the quality and durability of several roads within our community, enhancing the safety and convenience for motorists and pedestrians alike. The roads included in this resurfacing project [...]

What's Up AVL

Who’s up this week on What’s up AVL! – Transportation staff members Lucy Crown and Anna Sexton

The City of Asheville’s bi-monthly radio show allows the community to take a deep dive with City of Asheville staff and departments. Learn about different departments and what projects are taking place in your community. This week, the City of Asheville host Sam Parada sat down with City of Asheville Transportation Planning Manager Lucy Crown and Urban [...]

rental protection photo illustration

City Council approves submission of Annual Action Plan to support affordable housing, economic development and more

On February 28, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the 2023-2024 formula allocations for the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership programs. With Council’s approval on May 9, the City’s FY 23-24 Annual Action Plan can now be submitted to HUD.  CDBG and HOME are federal [...]

Exterior photo of the Wall Street Garage

Wall Street Parking Garage improvements require after-hours temporary closure beginning May 8, alternate parking arrangements available

Update 5/22/23: The Wall Street Parking Garage temporary night closures have been extended through May 25, 2023. During this period, the garage will remain open between 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Temporary evening closures are in place to ensure the community’s safety while improvements are being made. The Wall Street Parking Garage will be temporarily closed between [...]

Asheville Fire Department in Biltmore Village.

City of Asheville seeks resident input on citywide Emergency Operations and Continuity of Operations Plans

The City of Asheville wants to hear from you about the creation of two emergency operations plans. In working to advance the City Council’s priority of building neighborhood resilience, the Asheville Fire Department is coordinating the efforts to update the City of Asheville’s Emergency Operations Plan and the Continuity of Operations Plan.  This work involves [...]

aerial shot of college streeet with impacted area depicted with graphic

College Street closures starting April 23, 2023

The Public Works Streets Division will have a contractor paving College Street from the S. Charlotte Street intersection into the traffic circle beginning on the evening of Sunday, April 23.   The work will take place primarily between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for minimal traffic disturbances and will last approximately 4 nights. There will be a [...]

Climate Justice Data Map provides valuable information during water outage

Climate Justice tools and resources can help operationalize lessons and information gathered in “clear skies” times to react and respond with informed, data driven actions during times of stress and crisis. Reports and data sets from the multi-year process of analyzing Asheville’s climate threats and assets, interviewing community members and hosting community conversations culminated in [...]

neighborhood street view

City of Asheville announces third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants; Applications up to $5,000

The third phase of Neighborhood Matching Grants is open for applications, bringing City investments into Asheville’s neighborhoods. Applications will be accepted from March 27 to May 27, 2023. Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funds which they will then match through volunteer time, fundraising and in-kind donations.  The Neighborhood Matching Grant program was created [...]

Local examples of Missing Middle Housing including an accessory dwelling unit (left), small apartment house (center), and townhomes (right)

City of Asheville Approves Missing Middle Housing Study Contract

Asheville, North Carolina – On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the City of Asheville’s City Council approved a $115,000 contract to Opticos Design, Inc., and their subcontractor Cascadia Partners, for a Missing Middle Housing study. Missing Middle Housing refers to housing types, such as duplexes, triplexes, quadruplexes, and townhomes that are largely missing [...]

Showing 35-51 of 86 results