Winter Weather Impact Updates Jan. 19, 2024
Keep up to date with any potential weather impacts on City of Asheville's programs and services. Watch this post for updates!
Keep up to date with any potential weather impacts on City of Asheville's programs and services. Watch this post for updates!
Asheville City government offices will be closed Monday, January 15, 2024 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here is a look at City services affected by this holiday. Trash and recycling Though City offices will be closed, Sanitation collection services will run on schedule. Residential trash and recycling will be collected as normal, Monday-Thursday, [...]
Be in the know, sign up today for the City of Asheville Downtown Cleanliness and Safety newsletter.
City offices to close Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. This article contains information about holiday service schdeules.
The City launched a new roadside litter collection service on March 27, 2023. The roadside litter collection program addresses litter in the Right of Way and ‘hotspots’ – meaning, areas where a larger pile of litter or illegal dumping has been left. This program was established due to the need in our community to [...]
Does the recent North Carolina state budget provision addressing the use of plastic bags impact Asheville's new leaf collection ordinance that went into effect August 1, 2023? The quick answer is no, but expand this article for a fuller explanation and a reminder of good practices.
The City of Asheville is committed to promoting environmental sustainability and reducing plastic waste. As part of these efforts, the City will be implementing a new ordinance, effective August 1, 2023, that prohibits the use of plastic bags for brush and leaf collection. This regulation is in accordance with the Asheville Code of [...]
City of Asheville offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4 in celebration of Independence Day. Some City services will be impacted. Parks and Recreation Parks and greenways are open on a regular schedule, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Splasheville, the free splash fountain in Pack Square Park, is open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Please be advised that all city of Asheville offices will be closed on Monday, June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, June 20. See the City’s active services and schedules below. ART bus service Asheville Rides Transit (ART) holiday schedule will run on a Sunday schedule. If [...]
Ah Spring! The smell of fresh flowers, the feel of the sun, the sounds of black bears rummaging through the trash. These are just some of the sights and sounds that make our mountain home so special. But our city and its surrounding are not only enjoyed by us but by the wildlife that calls it home [...]
The City of Asheville offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day, May 29, a federally designated holiday that honors military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The City of Asheville, Buncombe County, and the Veterans Council will host a Memorial [...]
Due to a number of incidents impacting public safety, the City of Asheville is taking targeted steps to address the rise of crime especially in downtown Asheville. There are complex circumstances contributing to the safety issues that Asheville is currently seeing downtown and it will take a community response to address these complexities. Multiple City [...]
The City of Asheville has partnered with local organizations to host neighborhood cleanups over the next few weeks to keep litter off our streets and out of our streams. We invite you to lend a hand and enjoy physical and mental health benefits such as feeling a sense of accomplishment, getting exercise, enjoying the fresh air, meeting [...]
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to stop at home! Show some love to your neighborhood by organizing your friends, coworkers, or other group for a litter cleanup April 15-29, 2023. The Spring Litter Sweep is sponsored by the City of Asheville, Asheville GreenWorks, and NCDOT. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, [...]
The City of Asheville now offers several programs for litter collection within city limits. Additional litter collection services will make a positive impact on the general cleanliness of our community and lessen any potential negative effects of debris and waste on our environment. Central Business District Cleanliness A downtown cleanliness contract has been in existence since 2013. [...]
Asheville City government offices will be closed Friday, April 7 . Here is a look at City services affected by this holiday. ART bus service ART bus service routes and facilities will operate on a holiday schedule, which is the same as the Sunday schedule. Good Friday is one of six days ART runs on a reduced [...]
The City of Asheville is pleased to announce an additional service to help address cleanliness in our community. Through the aid of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, City staff were able to create a pilot program in response to community cleanliness concerns. Starting this month, a new service dedicated to litter collection along City-owned [...]