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Photo gallery: Commander, crew of the USS Asheville visit City Hall
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The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited Asheville May 26, 2015, and their visit included a tour of City Hall. They were met by Vice Mayor Marc Hunt, and Navy veterans Ken Vasilik and Pete Armstrong. They visited the bell tower at the top of City Hall overlooking the city, Council Chambers and The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall.
The crew received special recognition of USS Asheville 758 at the May 26 City Council meeting.
Pictured, from left to right are CDR Paul Pampuro, MM2 Dalton Moore, LS2 Tommy Walker and MMC (SS) Robert Campbell.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited Asheville May 26, 2015. Asheville Vice Mayor Marc Hunt, right, led them on a tour of City Hall.
Pictured, from left to right are CDR Paul Pampuro, MM2 Dalton Moore, LS2 Tommy Walker and MMC (SS) Robert Campbell.
Here Tony Rathbone of General Services explains how the bell tower unit works that plays tunes from atop City Hall.
Vice Mayor Marc Hunt points out landmarks during the crew’s tour of bell tower at the top of City Hall.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited Asheville May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, get a tour of Council Chambers during their May 26, 2105 visit to Asheville City Hall.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.
The commander and crew members from the USS Asheville, stationed in Hawaii, visited The Walter F. Ashe USS Asheville Exhibit in the first floor of City Hall May 26, 2015.