Public invited North Charlotte Street drop-in meetings about road diet and zoning evaluation

Charlotte Street scene
Charlotte Street

The City of Asheville will host two meetings on February 19 for the community to learn about improvements planned for North Charlotte Street, including the road diet and zoning evaluation for the corridor. The meetings will be held at the Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. A morning session will be held from 8:30 to 10 a.m., with an evening session set for 5:30 to 7 p.m.

These are drop-in style public meetings to officially kick-off the public engagement for Charlotte Street Road Diet and Charlotte Street Zoning Evaluation. The scope of the road diet project and zoning analysis have been directed by City Council.

Road diet and spot safety improvements

The Capital Improvement Project will include milling and repaving Charlotte Street from Chestnut Street to Edwin Place as well as a 4-to-3 lane conversion and from approximately Chestnut Street to Edwin Place. Other components of the project include minor stormwater improvements, bike access improvements and spot safety improvements. This project does not include sidewalk, place making or utility improvements. Council has allocated $1.25 million for the design and construction of this project.

Zoning overlay evaluation

This meeting will also kick off the Charlotte Street zoning evaluation process. With the community’s input, staff is evaluating the current zoning and the Charlotte Street Overlay. This project is anticipated to take 6 to 9 months to complete. There will be additional public meetings where staff will bring concepts back for community review.

Important parking notice

While the meetings are being held at the Jewish Community Center, people are asked not to park in their parking lot as it will be used for their normal programming. Parking for the morning session will be available at Allegra Asheville, 191 Charlotte St. Parking for the evening session will be available at Allegra Asheville, 191 Charlotte St., and Envision Eyecare, 181 Charlotte St. and HomeSource Design, 172 Charlotte St.

For more information, visit this link.