Stay active in Asheville with alternative activities while parks recover

African American man walking a white dog on a leash

When Helene swept across the region in September, it left unprecedented destruction including an estimated $1 billion in damages to City of Asheville municipally-owned properties and assets. As the community works to rebound and rebuild, some public recreation amenities will be offline for extended periods. In the meantime, check out some alternatives from Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) experts to stay active and connected. You may even find a new favorite!

Note: Wind, rain, snow, and other weather events may affect the condition of some of these spaces. Be sure to check locations’ websites for updated statuses.

Dog Parks

Both of APR’s off-leash dog areas in Azalea and French Broad River parks were decimated by flood waters. While the City of Asheville researches alternative locations for dog parks, give these spots a visit.

Sand VolleyballAfrican american man playing volleyball on grass court

The APR team is looking for alternative locations to house beach volleyball courts since those at Carrier Park were swept away, but you can still spike the ball over the net.

Recreational Skating

The City of Asheville is working with partners to support inline hockey and recreational skating after Carrier Park’s rink was severely damaged by floodwaters and debris, but you don’t have to hang up your skates in the meantime.

  • Outdoor sports courts are great spots to go gliding, but keep in mind that basketball, bike polo, pickleball, and tennis take precedent depending on the court
  • Travel down a greenway to take in more scenery along the journey

Disc GolfHole #5 disc golf

Multiple areas within Richmond Hill Park continue to pose safety risks due to tree destabilization and excessive debris, but there are other spots to pursue pole holes in the area.

  • A new APR course at Aston Park features three different tee-off points at each of the six goal baskets maximizing its compact park space to entertain users for a full 18 holes
  • Buncombe County Parks & Recreation’s courses at Buncombe County Sports Park and Lake Julian Park have some baskets open, as does Veterans Park in Black Mountain
  • Courses available outside of school hours are located at Enka High School, North Buncombe High School, and Owen High School


Give these spots some attention while the City of Asheville assesses damage to Richmond Hill Park’s trails and Carrier Park’s velodrome.

Organized Recreation

APR community centers offer fitness rooms and a variety of indoor wellness classes, game and hobby clubs, special events, and more for Ashevillians of all ages. Check out current programs and sports leagues, sign up for APR’s monthly newsletter, or follow APR on Facebook and Instagram to explore, connect, and discover all year long.

Looking for Something Else?

The APR team is happy to suggest additional options. Please email or call (828) 259-5800 to discuss your needs in greater detail.

Grass volleyball photo of AVL Hoppers Volleyball Tournament courtesy of Noise Alliance Media