Thanks to everyone who came out for the City of Asheville’s downtown shuttle workshop Wednesday night!
More than 60 people came out for a discussion about priorities for a circulator or shuttle system. In effect, this could be a short, frequent transit route that provides access to destinations that are just a bit too far to walk to, or from activity hubs across town.
If you weren’t able to make it, you can read through the consultant’s presentation: City of Asheville Downtown Shuttle Workshop Presentation.
Also, there is still opportunity to offer your feedback through a survey offered here.
The survey will be open through Aug. 26.
Next steps
The consultant team will review all feedback and incorporate that information into their recommendations and cost projections for a circulator/shuttle service as part of a Comprehensive Parking Study currently underway being managed by the City’s Transportation Department. Feedback on the goals, priorities, routes and stops will all be considered in the recommendations. The complete Parking Study, including recommendations for this type of service, will be available in September.