Tony McDowell named City of Asheville Director of Finance

Tony McDowell photo
Tony McDowell

City Assistant Finance Director Tony McDowell has been named Director of Finance for the City of Asheville. City Manager Debra Campbell selected McDowell for the job, citing “his rich institutional knowledge in this important role.” 

McDowell has served as the Interim Finance Department Director since January following the departure of former City CFO Barbara Whitehorn, who took a job in California.

McDowell has been with the City for 22 years, starting as a budget analyst in 1998. He was promoted to Budget Manager in 2006, and became the City’s Assistant Finance Director in 2018. As Assistant Finance Director, his duties have focused on financial reporting and budget forecasting. He has been responsible for preparing and administering the City’s annual operating budget and 5-year capital improvements program. During McDowell’s tenure with the City he has also worked in various other roles within the Finance Department, including leading the Financial Reporting team for two years and serving as interim payroll and accounts payable manager. 

“Tony has been a dedicated public servant for 22 years, and a municipal budget expert for nearly as long,” Campbell said. “I’m happy that we had such a fantastic and qualified candidate right here in our very own ranks.”

“I enjoy the challenge and complexity of managing the City’s finances and budget, and I look forward to continuing to work with City Manager Debra Campbell, Asheville City Council and the entire team at the City in my new role,” McDowell said. 

McDowell has a bachelor of arts degree in economics and political science from UNC Chapel Hill.  He is a member of the North Carolina Local Government Finance Officers Association and North Carolina Local Government Budgeting Association, where he formerly served as a board member.

For information about the City’s Finance and Management Services Department, visit this link.