Updated City of Asheville Noise Ordinance goes into effect September 15


At their July 27 meeting, Asheville City Council voted to update the City’s Noise Ordinance with an aim to identify and prioritize noise concerns and develop clear and enforceable thresholds for noise generation.

As the newly revised ordinance will go into effect September 15, we wanted to let residents know where to find information about the ordinance and how the enforcement process will work. The City’s Development Services Department will administer the new ordinance and manage noise through engagement, education and community collaboration. Gráinne Miser has been appointed the interim noise administrator and can be contacted at gmiser@ashevillenc.gov.

To view the newly revised ordinance, visit this link in the City’s Municipal Code. Find more information in this FAQ document.

Sound Exceedance Permits

A Sound Exceedance permit is only required for events that exceed required decibel level limits and that typically have adjacent residential neighbors. The average business or restaurant with a patio is not going to need this permit. The permit goes into effect on September 15 and an online application will be available prior to the ordinance effective date. 

Here’s a fact sheet about Sound Exceedance permits. 

How to file a noise complaint

You may file a complaint in any of the following ways: call the APD non-emergency number 828-252-1110, submit a complaint on the Asheville App, or email noise@ashevillenc.gov. If contact information is provided, staff will respond to let you know the complaint has been received and the status of the complaint within 48 hours of receipt.

Noise Advisory Board

Interested in getting involved with the Noise Advisory Board? Applications are due on October 4. Please visit the City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at boards@ashevillenc.gov for an application form.