What we do

The City of Asheville’s Transportation Department is dedicated to providing for the safety, health, mobility, and quality of life for Asheville citizens and guests through the administration of engineering, infrastructure and transportation-related projects.

The Transportation Department has four divisions, with the following roles:

  1. Traffic Engineering – Advises on traffic engineering components for projects in the City right-of-way. Handles services including posted speed limits, traffic calming, various regulatory and warning traffic signs, traffic signals and warning flashers.
  2. Transportation Planning – Oversees the planning of bicycle and pedestrian travel modes, including sidewalks, bicycle facilities, micromobility, and greenways.
  3. Transit – Oversees management of the Asheville Rides Transit (ART) system maintenance and operations. Provide transit planning services including updates to bus routes and bus stops.
  4. Parking Services – Manages public parking including city-owned parking garages, on-street metered parking, and parking enforcement.

Get in Touch

Use The Asheville App to report a problem with our streets, sidewalks, transit and bike facilities, and greenways.

The Asheville App

Related Services

Learn how to safely and securely bicycle in Asheville

Related Projects

ART Transit Center solar panels

ART Comprehensive Operational Analysis

Project Overview The City of Asheville is launching the Asheville Rides Transit (ART) Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) to improve public transit services and align resources with community needs. This project will analyze ridership data, demographic trends, and roadway conditions to develop short- and long-term strategies for enhancing the ART transit system. The project will identify techniques [...]

West Patton Avenue Sidewalk

Project Overview The City will construct approximately 0.45 miles of accessible sidewalk along the eastbound lanes of travel on Patton Avenue from Druid Avenue to Louisiana Avenue. For project dates, timeline, and background information, click the button below. More Information Contact Jill Weissman, Project Manager jweissman@ashevillenc.gov 828-989-3289

Airport Road Sidewalk

Project Overview The City will construct accessible sidewalk providing connection along approximately 0.6 miles of Airport Road (NC-280), including curb ramps, crosswalks, bus stop pads, and traffic signal upgrades, from Hendersonville Road (US-25) to the southernmost entrance of Walmart at 60 Airport Road. For project updates, timeline, and background information, click the button below. Explore Related Projects

Transportation News

blue background with art bus and text reading art comprehensive operations analysis

City of Asheville launches ART Comprehensive Operational Analysis to enhance public transit

The City of Asheville is launching the ART Comprehensive Operational Analysis, a strategic initiative to improve transit services and align resources with community needs. The plan will evaluate ridership data, demographic trends, and roadway conditions to develop short and long-term recommendations for Asheville Rides Transit (ART). Jarrett Walker & Associates, a nationally-recognized transit planning firm, [...]

Bus station platform

Free WiFi now available on ART transit buses

The City of Asheville is excited to announce that free WiFi is now available on all Asheville Rides Transit (ART) buses, making it easier for riders to stay connected while on the go. This new service is part of the City’s ongoing commitment to enhancing public transportation and improving the rider experience and is implemented [...]

Hiawassee Street temporarily repaved, roadway reopened

The City of Asheville completed temporary repaving on Hiawassee Street between Rankin Avenue and North Lexington Avenue, restoring smoother access for motorists and pedestrians. This work was necessary in the interim while planning continues for a permanent upgrade to the utility and stormwater systems.  City staff are actively coordinating with utility partners to finalize designs and [...]