About the Project

The purpose of the Patton Avenue Corridor Study is to develop transportation, land use, and urban design recommendations for Patton Avenue from the Jeff Bowen Bridge to the easternmost terminus at Pack Square.  The goals for the study are to:

  • Transform the area so that Patton Avenue and the Captain Jeff Bowen Bridges serves as a gateway to the Downtown; 
  • Set the stage for Patton Avenue to develop as a mixed-use corridor; 
  • Retrofit Patton Avenue into a complete street that is safe for all road users; 
  • Improve connections at Hillcrest to integrate this community with Downtown and terminate at Pack Square; 
  • Better connect Downtown to the river and other neighborhoods; and 
  • Create a plan for a network of multi-use paths that connect people to nearby economic and recreational opportunities.

Other City projects within the Downtown Patton Avenue Study area

There are three other City projects within this same study area, as shown in the map below (click the map to expand it). To learn more about any of those projects, select the relevant hyperlink below. 

Happening Now

We have postponed the final public open house for this project due to delays related to hurricane impacts and our organization work schedule priorities. The previously scheduled final public open house is cancelled and will be rescheduled for sometime in the spring of 2025. Please check back for updates. 
City staff and consultants are rescheduling the final public open house event for this project that will present the final Downtown Patton Avenue Corridor and Feasibility Study report and visualizations.
If you weren’t able to attend the previous open house, you may still provide feedback. The best way to communicate your comments is to send an email to PattonAvenueStudy@publicinput.com.
Below: An image of the preliminary conceptual plan for the corridor. Click the image to view and/or download the file. 


For decades residents have been trying to create a vision for the western gateway to downtown Asheville. Concepts focused on transportation changes, such as realigning Patton Avenue, as well as land use ideas to extend the downtown westward to the Jeff Bowen bridge. In 2022, staff summarized these efforts in the East Patton Avenue Report.


August 22, 2023 – City Council authorizes a professional contract with McAdams

August 28, 2023 – Internal Kickoff Meeting with McAdams, NCDOT, the MPO, and City staff

November 29, 2023 – Public Open House (5-7PM, Banquet Hall, Harrah’s Cherokee Center, 87 Haywood St, Asheville, NC 28801) 

May 29, 2024 – Public Open House #2 (5-7PM, Banquet Hall, Harrah’s Cherokee Center, 87 Haywood St, Asheville, NC 28801)

October 15, 2024 Pending – Final Public Open House (5-7PM, Activity Room, Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St, Asheville, NC 28801)

The following chart summarizes the timeline and milestones of the Downtown Patton Avenue Corridor & Feasibility study.

Supporting Documents

East Patton Avenue Report 

Resolution No 23-174 Authorizing the City to Execute a Contract with McAdams

Poster Boards from November 29th Public Open House

Proposed Patton Avenue Preliminary Conceptual Design (May 29, 2024)

Contact Information


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