
This City will construct approximately 0.8 miles of new six-foot-wide sidewalk, including accessible ramps, crosswalks and drainage, along New Haw Creek Road from Beverly Road to Bell Road. Starting at Beverly Road, the sidewalk follows along the west side of New Haw Creek Road. Just north of Dogwood Grove the alignment shifts to the east side, utilizing a mid-block signalized crosswalk with accessible ramps and curb cuts for safe access across New Haw Creek Road. Additional crosswalks and ramps are also proposed throughout the project. 


Happening Now

The design for this project has been completed. Bidding for construction is currently taking place, and a construction start date will be announced after a bidder is selected and the construction contract is approved. 

Next Milestone: Construction kick off

Estimated Construction Start: Late 2024

Once construction begins, the project will take approximately 18 months to complete. Follow along by subscribing for updates below. 




The New Haw Creek Road sidewalk is one of several transportation projects prioritized by City residents during public outreach for the 2016 bond referendum.  This project enhances the City’s sidewalk network by constructing a new sidewalk on New Haw Creek Road from Beverly Road to Bell Road, a total length of approximately 0.8 miles. The purpose of this project is to improve mobility, safety, and continuity for pedestrians on City streets and provide pedestrian connections to local schools and parks. Notable user bases in this area include Haw Creek Elementary School and Evergreen Community Charter School, users of Charlie Bullman Park, as well as the neighborhood’s homes and stores.

Starting at Beverly Road, the sidewalk follows along the west side of New Haw Creek Road. Just north of Dogwood Grove the alignment shifts to the east side, utilizing a mid-block signalized crosswalk with accessible ramps and curb cuts for safe access across New Haw Creek Road. Additional crosswalks and ramps are also proposed throughout the project. 




  • Bond referendum passed by voters: The New Creek sidewalk project was identified for bond funding under “Streets, Sidewalks & Bike Lanes”


  • Planning and design
  • Meeting with neighbors in September of 2019


  • March 28 – virtual engagement meeting to review project and design features, followed by field meetings with directly impacted stakeholders


  • Easements and right-of-way acquisition
  • Permitting and review


  • Construction is anticipated to start before the end of the year. 


  • Anticipated project completion 18 months after construction start.


Contact Information

Dustin Clemens, Capital Projects Division Manager
Capital Management Department



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