Charlotte Street

charlotte street google earth image outline
Charlotte Street Google Earth View

Happening Now

The Charlotte Street Road Diet continues to show signs of success since its implementation in 2019.  The second year of “Post-Implementation” analysis reveals that the project has reduced traffic speeds, increased bike use, and reduced the number of automobile collisions on Charlotte Street with no indication of increased cut-through traffic on the side streets.

Click here to view the presentation of results.



Road Diet and Spot Safety Improvement Project is Complete.

image of charlotte street road diet
Numbered from 1 through 6 to indicate parts of the plan that resulted in the Charlotte Street Road Diet and safety improvements.

The scope of this project, which was designated by City Council, included a 4 to 3 lane conversion, milling and repaving Charlotte Street from Chestnut to Edwin Street, multimodal bike improvements and spot safety improvements. This project did not include sidewalk, place making, significant stormwater or utility improvements.

Charlotte Street Road Diet and Safety Improvement Project
(see page four for Council direction.)

Charlotte Street Road Diet and safety improvements

  1. North and South bound lanes, center turn lane
  2. Beginning North bound bike lane
  3. Ending of South bound bike lane, transitions to shared lane markings (sharrows)
  4. High visibility crosswalks and pedestrian signals
  5. Stamped “brick” asphalt to transition bike lane, provide visual enhancement, and “buffer” between traffic and the sidewalk
  6. Green bike boxes for safe bicycle movements


Zoning and Development

The City collected base information and public input on the current zoning and overlay district during community planning for the Road Diet and Spot Safety project. This was performed in response to Council and community interest in potentially adjusting development standards along the Charlotte Street corridor to help guide future growth. That information is available via the resources section below. City staff  does not anticipate any further analysis of the information or recommendations on zoning at this time.


Use this link to find information from two public input meetings held on 2-19-19.  Included are informational zoning analysis boards, as well as the input collected from three different exercises.  Details of those exercises can be found in the associated folder.
Current Development Regulations


Public meetings were held The Jewish Community Center at 236 Charlotte Street.

May 1, 2019 -The Charlotte Street Road Diet and Spot Safety Improvement follow-up meeting
February 19, 2019 – Kick-off public meeting on
March 12, 2018 – Meeting Staff Report and Presentation Slides

Contact Information

Jessica Morriss, Assistant Director of Transportation Department

Last Updated 9/8/2022