City of Asheville Capital Projects Department wants your thoughts about the upcoming sidewalk improvements

Johnston Boulevard

CLARIFICATION : January 20, 2022

The City of Asheville would like to invite residents to comment on recent changes to permitting for the Johnston Boulevard sidewalk project. 

The City of Asheville is looking to engage residents on the sidewalk improvement projects along Johnston Boulevard  between Patton Avenue and Iona Circle ( in the vicinity of Roger Farmer Memorial Park), on the south side of Johnston Boulevard.  The comments collected will help staff understand nearby residents’ needs and concerns. We encourage you to review the project details provided as well as the design maps and provide any comments or ask any questions you have.

As a facility owned by the City of Asheville, Roger Farmer Memorial Park is afforded special protections, that’s why City of Asheville representatives have signed a letter of concurrence agreeing that acquisition of permanent easement from Roger Farmer Memorial Park for construction of a sidewalk along Johnston Boulevard would not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes of the Park.

You can submit questions or comments to or


The purpose of the project on Johnston Blvd. is to improve mobility, safety, and continuity for pedestrians on City streets and provide pedestrian connections to local schools. This project will be approximately 4,500 linear feet of new 6-foot sidewalk will be installed along alternating sides of the roadway. 

With an estimated cost of $2,890,520, the project will use federal funds provided by the North Carolina Department of Transportation that will be administered locally by the City of Asheville. The project is currently in the design phase, with a final design expected in approximately mid- to late-2022. 

About the project in the vicinity of Roger Farmer Memorial Park, the sidewalk would require the use of approximately 0.08 acres of permanent easement from the 9.24-acre park, as well as a temporary construction easement of 0.06 acres. These easement areas have been changed from previous permitting for the project and are a result of minor design changes to the project in the vicinity of the park. 

More info can be seen at the project details.

Find a copy of this press release on Asheville City Source.