Happening Now

The City of Asheville has prepared the Allocation Plan for the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Program. The final Allocation Plan is posted at this link

The HOME-ARP Allocation Plan sets out how the City of Asheville and the Asheville Regional Housing Consortium propose to use an estimated $4,699,862 in federal HOME-ARP Program funds.

City Council Vote

Asheville City Council voted unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 23-69, authorizing the City Manager to submit the HOME ARP Allocation Plan as a substantial amendment to the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 2023.

Public Comment Period

The public comment period for this project closed on March 20, 2023.

Public Hearing

A public hearing was held at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The presentation of the Draft Allocation Plan and Public Hearing can be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel at this link.



As the Participating Jurisdiction for the four-county Asheville Regional Housing Consortium (ARHC), the City of Asheville is responsible for a one-time $4.7 million allocation of HOME Investment Partnerships Program funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

The funding, known as “HOME-ARP,” is part of a $5 billion commitment in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 specifically targeted to reduce homelessness across the Consortium, which consists of Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties, as well as cities and towns within each county.

To receive funding, the City must develop and submit to HUD a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, which describes the distribution of HOME-ARP funds and identifies any preferences for eligible activities. The development of the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan must also be informed through stakeholder consultation and community engagement (see timeline section). 

The purpose of HOME-ARP funds is to provide homelessness assistance and supportive services through several eligible activities. Eligible activities include acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter, tenant based rental assistance, supportive services, development of rental housing, administration and planning, and nonprofit operating and capacity building assistance. A certain portion of HOME-ARP funds must assist people in HOME-ARP “qualifying populations”, which include:

  • Sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations
  • Those currently housed populations at risk of homelessness
  • Those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence or human trafficking
  • Other families requiring services or housing assistance or to prevent homelessness
  • Those at greatest risk of housing instability or in unstable housing situations


Engagement Timeline


Project Timeline



Launch of Stakeholder Needs Assessment Survey

Launch of Citizen Participation Survey

January 17-25, 2023

January 17-25, 2023

Public Comment Period March 6-20, 2023
Public Hearing (in person) March 14, 2023
Final HOME-ARP Allocation Plan submitted to City Council for approval of submission to HUD March 28, 2023
Submit HOME-ARP Allocation Plan to HUD No later than March 31, 2023


Supporting Documents

Final HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

HOME-ARP Resolution

Draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

Notice CPD-21-10: Requirements for the Use of Funds in the HOME-ARP Program

Notice CPD-22-13: Revisions to HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Requirements and Final Submission Deadline for all HOME-ARP Allocation Plans.

Presentation by Bakertilly – February 2, 2023


HOME-ARP Fact Sheets for Eligible Project Types:

Non-Congregate Shelter 

Operating Assistance & Capacity Building.

Rental Housing 

Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

Supportive Services

Contact Information

Sofia Bonilla, Community Development Coordinator



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