General Transit Complaints or Concerns

For any transit inquiries, please call 828-253-5691. When relaying a concern or complaint, please note the bus number, time of day, and location of incident, if possible. The more information provided, the more likely ART can come to a swift and fair resolution to any problem.

Written correspondence may be sent to:



360 West Haywood St.
Asheville, NC 28801

Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Act Complaints

If you have an ADA-related complaint, contact us at or 828-232-4520 or submit your complaint using the ADA complaint form.

Title VI Program and Complaints

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. (42 USC Section 200d).

City of Asheville – Title VI Policy Statement

Ciudad de Asheville – Declaración de Política conforme al Título VI

Город Ашвилл – Раздел VI закона, меморандум о политике

The City of Asheville is committed to practicing non-discrimination.  If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, you may file a complaint with the City of Asheville Transportation Department/Transit Planning Division or the Federal Transit Administration. For further details, see Asheville’s entire Title VI program.  For more information visit us at, call (828) 259-5943, email or visit our office at the Transportation Department at City Hall.  If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, you may file a Title VI complaint, found below in English, Spanish and Russian.

City of Asheville Title VI Complaint Form

Titulo VI Planilla de Quejas Transporte Publico de la Ciudad de Asheville

Город Эшвилл Бланк жалобы согласно Разделу VI

Tile VI Public Notice in English

Tile VI Public Notice in Spanish

Tile VI Public Notice in Russian