The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 and ensures that individuals with disabilities can access transportation services as equitably as possible. The ADA requires that complementary paratransit operates equivalent hours and service areas as the fixed-route buses.

The City of Asheville will provide reasonable modifications to accommodate riders with a disability. The City of Asheville can provide information in a different format as requested and can provide assistance to individuals or organization that needs help understanding the ADA fixed route or paratransit services in general. If you have an ADA-related complaint, contact us at iRide or 828-259-5943 or submit your complaint using the ADA complaint form.


All ART buses are ADA-accessible, and have lifts, wheelchair securement areas, and priority seating for passengers with disabilities. Service animals are allowed on all vehicles.

  • Buses have push strips to request the operator to stop and to deploy the lift.
  • Interior audible and visible announcements are made for major stops.
  • Exterior audible and visible announcements all passengers to know which bus they are boarding.
  • The ART Station features audible and visible announcements of bus arrivals.

The City of Asheville can provide information in a different format as requested and can provide assistance to individuals or organization that needs help understanding the ADA fixed route or paratransit services in general. Please contact us at I Ride or 828-232-4522.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcomed on City of Asheville buses and property. For more information please review the Asheville Rides Transit Service Animal and Non-Service Animal Policy.

Discounted Fares and Passes

A 50% discount is available to all individuals with disabilities covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please see our City of Asheville discount bus pass guidelines / Правила проезда на автобус со скидкой в ​​городе Эшвилл / Pautas para pases de autobús con descuento de la ciudad de Asheville for further information. The City of Asheville discount bus pass application / Заявка на льготный проездной на автобус города Эшвилл / Solicitud de pase de autobús con descuento de la ciudad de Asheville for this discount can be submitted by e-mail, in person at the ART Station, or by mail. Once your application is complete and processed, a Discount photo I.D. will be issued to you at the ART Station.

ADA Paratransit Provided by Mountain Mobility

ART provides next-day paratransit service to people with disabilities through Mountain Mobility. Service is provided during equivalent hours as ART routes. Eligible recipients can use paratransit to go shopping, go to school, attend medical appointments, go to work, go to any other activity, or run errands.

To benefit from the paratransit program, please complete the paratransit application form / форма заявления на паратранзит / formulario de solicitud de paratránsito. You can read more about the City of Asheville’s ADA Paratransit guidelines here / Рекомендации ADA по паратранзитному транспорту города Эшвилл здесь  / Pautas de paratránsito ADA de la ciudad de Asheville aquí.

There are two service area maps for paratransit service: One for Monday-Saturday and Holidays and one for Sundays.

Paratransit Service Reservations

Reservations for service can be made seven days a week between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. by calling Mountain Mobility at 250-6750 extension 4. Reservations must be made no later than 5 p.m. the day before the requested day of travel.

Mountain Mobility operates 36 paratransit vans that are equipped with lifts to aid passengers using assistive devices. Reasonable modifications will be provided.

The fare is $2 for a one-way trip. Official personal care attendants (PCAs) travel free with an ADA passenger.

On the date of travel, passengers will be picked up within one hour of requested pick up time.

Visit Mountain Mobility’s website or call them at 828-250-6750 extension 5.