A-to-Z Services Directory
Items beginning with the letter A
- Activities, Tips, Quick Links and More
Keep safe with these fire and life safety helpful resources.
- Apply for a commercial site development permit
Submit development plans for Level I, Level II, Level III, Major Subdivision, Conditional Zoning, or Conditional Use projects.
- Apply for a homestay permit
Apply for a new homestay permit or apply to renew your existing permit.
- Apply for a parking permit
Obtain a permit to park downtown, in a residential area or in spaces reserved for people with disabilities.
- Apply for a stormwater permit
Get a Stormwater permit or visit the Permits and Applications home page.
- Apply for a trade permit
Apply for residential and commercial electrical, gas piping, plumbing, mechanical, re-roof, or multi-trade permits.
- Apply to the Junior Police Academy
Apply to get hands-on experience from the Asheville Police Department. This is designed for applicants aged 14 to18.
- Athletics
Information about adult sports leagues and youth athletics programs offered by Asheville Parks & Recreation.
Items beginning with the letter B
- Bring a bike on the bus
Learn about how to safely bring your bicycle on the bus.
- Build a detached structure or deck
Guide and forms to build a deck, shed, solar array, retaining wall, swimming pool, or other accessory structure on a residential property
- Build a new house, duplex, townhome or modular home
Links to all of the forms you may need to build a new house
- Build an addition or remodel a house
Forms and guides to remodel or build an addition to a residential property
- Business Inclusion (ABI)
The Business Inclusion Office for the City of Asheville actively seeks to identify minority and women-owned businesses for an opportunity to participate as providers of goods and services to the city.
Items beginning with the letter C
- Catch a domestic nuisance animal
Learn how to borrow a trap from the City to catch a domestic nuisance animal.
- Check whether your address is within city limits
Search to see if it is within the City of Asheville's permitting jurisdiction.
- Child passenger safety seat assistance
Get help from The Asheville Fire Department with child safety seat installation education and assistance.
- City job opportunities – Fire Department
Learn about job opportunities with the Asheville Fire Department, including hiring process and eligibility requirements to become a firefighter.
- City job opportunities – General
View open positions at the City of Asheville and how to apply.
- City job opportunities – Police Department
Learn about job opportunities with the Asheville Police Department, including the hiring process and eligibility requirements to become a police officer.
- Community Events
Find upcoming special events, activities, programs, and camps in Asheville.
- Composting
Feed the landscape, not the landfill with fun and sustainable backyard composting.
- Contact a school resource officer
School resource officers help protect our schools and provide guidance to youth about the juvenile court system and programs available to them.
- Contact animal control
Contact information for animals in and out of the city limits.
Items beginning with the letter D
- Discrimination
Information on the forms of discrimination that are illegal in Asheville.
- Dispose of bulky items or appliances
Learn how to dispose of appliances, bulky items, large collections (moving in or out of a home), carpets, or small dead animals.
- Dispose of household hazardous waste
Rules and instructions for disposing of hazardous household waste safely.
- Dispose of leaves, brush, or Christmas trees
Collection schedules and information on how to prepare tree limbs, leaves, or shrub trimmings for pickup.
- Dispose of prescription medication
Safely discard prescription medication by dropping it off at the Asheville Police Department drop-off box.
- Do business with the city
Learn what is required to do business with the City, for projects large and small.
Items beginning with the letter E
- Enjoy Greenways
Explore an interactive map of the Asheville's greenways and learn how to use them for your recreation and transportation enjoyment.
- Enroll in e-billing
Go green with E-Billing for your water utility services.
- Explore city data
Public datasets and maps are available on the open data portal at data.ashevillenc.gov.
Items beginning with the letter F
- Facility Search
Find Asheville parks, community centers, and pools near you. Search by location, filter by amenity, or view a list.
- Find a recycling location
View an interactive map of recycling locations where certain items may be taken in person for recycling.
- Find an incident or crash report
Most crime incident reports and crash reports occurring after January 1, 2003 are available for search and instant download.
- Find available parking in downtown garages
Find up-to-the-minute information on parking availability for six parking garages in downtown Asheville.
- Find cold weather emergency shelter
When extreme cold weather is expected, the Asheville Homeless Coalition issues a Code Purple Alert. Participating homeless shelters voluntarily add space beyond their normal capacity to keep as many people as possible out of the cold.
- Find financial support for your Asheville business
Learn about financial support that may be available for your business.
- Find information on snow removal
See the priority level for streets to receive snow removal treatment.
- Find location and zoning information
Find the zoning information for your project.
- Find or register a minority, women or disabled-owned business
Resources for finding or registering a minority, women or disabled-owned business.
- Find support for issues related to homelessness
The goal of this page is to provide information and resources for residents and businesses to understand how to respond to issues related to homelessness.
- Find your trash or recycling schedule
Determine your trash and recycling collection schedules based on your address, view collection area maps, and print your schedule.
- Flood Assistance Support Team (FAST)
The Floodplain Assistance Support Team (FAST) is here to provide focused and personalized support for property/business owners, developers, and designers needing timely and clear information about what can be built or developed in the floodplain.
Items beginning with the letter G
- General Bus Policies and Tips
Learn about rules of behavior on the bus, and what items or animals you can bring on the bus.
- Geographic Information Systems
The City of Asheville creates and maintains GIS applications that allow users to view data in maps, download and analyze spatial information.
- Get a birth certificate, marriage license, or death certificate
Learn how to get a birth certificate, marriage license, or a death certificate.
- Get a restraining order
Find out who can file for a protection order, what it covers, and where to go if you need one.
- Get a security alarm permit
Learn how to apply for a security alarm permit and how to prevent false burglar alarms.
- Get a smoke alarm installed
How to submit a request for a smoke alarm.
- Get an animal permit
Learn how to acquire a required permit for keeping 7 or more animals (including bees, fowl, or livestock such as goats, horses, ponies, and exotic pets which require permits.)
- Get help with domestic violence
Information and resources for people who are impacted by domestic violence.
- Get or renew a dog license
Dogs must be licensed every year on January 1. Learn about the process and fees.
- Get or renew a precious metal permit
Any person engaging in the business of purchasing precious metals must obtain a precious metal permit. Understand the law and how to obtain or renew your permit.
- Gun safety
Learn how to prevent deadly gun accidents and teach your children what to do if they come across a firearm.
Items beginning with the letter H
- Higher than expected bills
What to do if you have received a bill that seems too high, which may be a sign of a water leak.
- Hire an off duty officer
Information on hiring off duty police officers including rates and contact information.
- Holiday schedule updates
View holiday collection schedules to see how holidays will impact your recycling, trash, or other collection services.
Items beginning with the letter I
- If you are a victim or witness of a crime
Learn about services available to support those who are recovering from emotional or physical injuries that occurred as a result of a crime or traumatic incident.
Items beginning with the letter K
- Keep Bears Out of Your Trash
Useful tips for keeping bears out of your trash and co-existing with these curious creatures.
Items beginning with the letter L
- Learn about large-scale development
Keep up to date on current projects and applications.
- Learn more about our water, the environment and waste reduction
The City of Asheville Water Resources Department has an education program. We offer tours of our water treatment plants, as well as lessons on the environment and water quality.
- Litter Programs
Join the Adopt-a-Street Program to help reduce litter in the City of Asheville.
- Look up information about a permit
Use online tools to look up information about permits
Items beginning with the letter M
- Make a home inventory
Learn how having a home inventory is essential to insurance claims or property recovery efforts in case of a disaster, fire, or a burglary.
- Minority / Woman Business Enterprise (MWBE) Certification
Find information to register for certification as a Minority, Woman, and/or Small Business Enterprise (MWSBE) with the City of Asheville.
- Missed trash or recycling collection
Learn about why your recyclables may not have been collected, and how you can resolve the issue.
Items beginning with the letter O
- Obtain a Civil No Contact Order (50c)
Dispute resolution is a term that refers to a number of processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute, or claims.
Items beginning with the letter P
- Park in a parking garage or parking lot
Garages are great for longer daily duration parking, as well as for monthly parking.
- Park on the street
Information about metered on-street parking and loading zones.
- Participate in National Night Out
Join this annual community-building campaign to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, and neighborhood camaraderie
- Pay or appeal a parking citation
Learn how to easily pay a citation, and details on how to appeal a citation.
- Pay stormwater utility bill
Answers to Bill Pay and Questions on your Stormwater Utility Bill.
- Pay your water bill
How to pay your water bill, with convenient online, automatic draft, mail or in person options.
- Picnic Shelter Reservations
View Asheville Parks & Recreation shelters and make a reservation.
- Plan your trip
Find your best route and learn how to get real-time bus information like when your next bus will arrive.
- Pools & Splasheville
Hours and information about Asheville's public pools and Splasheville, the free interactive splash pad play fountain in Pack Square Park.
- Prepare for an emergency
Resources and information to help you prepare for an emergency.
- Protect your personal property
Tips for protecting your home, neighborhood, and car from theft and crime.
Items beginning with the letter R
- Rates and Fees
View a list of water consumption charges for various types of activities, as well as information on other water fees.
- Recognize scams and con artists
Learn the warning signs that you might be encountering a scam or a con artist.
- Recover a towed vehicle
How to locate and recover a towed vehicle.
- Register a commercial development neighborhood meeting notice
Register a notice for a commercial development neighborhood meeting.
- Register for Active Older Adult Programs
Learn about Asheville Parks & Recreation programs for senior citizens and active adults.
- Register for Asheville Therapeutic Recreation Programs and Adaptive Sports
Learn about and enroll in Asheville's therapeutic recreation programs and adaptive sports like accessible bowling, inclusive football, and baseball.
- Register for Teen Recreation and Sports
Learn about and enroll in Asheville teen programs like sports, leadership clubs, camps, and athletics.
- Register for Toddler Programs
Learn about and enroll in Asheville toddler enrichment programs such as arts, music, and outdoors.
- Register for Youth Programs
Learn about Asheville youth programs for kids and children including afterschool, camps, teacher workday programs, athletics, art and music, and more.
- Report a broken or clogged storm drain, flooding issues or request street sweeping
Help keep the city streets free from excess debris and prevent property damage from rainwater runoff.
- Report a crime
How to report a crime, including how to remain anonymous and be eligible in some cases for a cash reward.
- Report a lost animal
Learn how to report a missing dog, cat, or other animal.
- Report a missed pickup, a pothole, hydrant leaks, and sidewalk safety issues
Report issues with city upkeep such as missed trash or recycling pickups, potholes, sidewalk issues, street light outages, vandalized street signs, and more.
- Report a Noise Complaint
Noisy neighbors? Learn the steps to take before making a complaint, and how to report noise ordinance violations.
- Report a pothole in a city street
Potholes – We’re Working on It! Maintaining the over 400 miles of road within the City of Asheville is a top priority. Currently, there are a number of pending requests for street maintenance, and the City wants to share the process for fulfilling these requests. Our ability to address pothole repair requests has been impacted by Tropical Storm [...]
- Report a stormwater violation
Report if a storm drain is carrying anything other than rain water.
- Report a transit complaint or concern
Let the City know about incidents or issues you have experienced with the bus system.
- Report crime using TIP2APD
This new tool, TIP2APD, enables the public to share anonymous tips with police officers and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.
- Report damaged signs and street light outages
You may use The Asheville App to report or view the status of damaged street signs and street light outages.
- Report graffiti
How to report graffiti to get it removed.
- Report identity theft or fraud
Learn what to do if you are the victim of identity theft.
- Report traffic concerns
Learn how to report traffic concerns in your neighborhood to help decrease crashes.
- Report wrongdoing by City employees
How to report possible fraud, waste, and abuse or wrongdoing by City employees.
- Request a temporary downtown parking space closure
Learn how to temporarily close a metered parking space for non-routine business such as construction, moving, or cleaning.
- Request public records
Find a list of records already available online, records not held by the City, and records that are not public record. Submit a request for public records.
- Request to view body worn camera footage
Learn about the specific instances under NC law under which you may request to view body worn camera footage.
- Reserve a Bear Resistant Trash Cart
The City of Asheville is implementing a pilot program to provide bear-resistant trash carts to residents. There are a limited number of carts available for the pilot program - you can sign up to be put on a waiting list for the next available carts.
- Retrieve property from police
How to retrieve found property that is in possession of the police.
- Ride along with a Police Officer
The Asheville Police Department’s ride-along program is available to help community members understand the broad range of police duties and the vital role officers perform. Community members who wish to participate in a ride-along with an APD officer must meet the following requirements: The participant must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. The participant must complete [...]
- Right of Way Maintenance
To request mowing or tree trimming in the city streets’ rights-of-way, use the Asheville App or call 828-259-5852.
Items beginning with the letter S
- Schedule a Technical Review Committee Pre-Application Meeting
Schedule your required pre-application meeting for Level II, Level III, Conditional Zoning and Major Subdivision reviews.
- Schedule an optional early assistance meeting
Receive expert technical advice from staff during the preliminary phase of a project, for prospective business owners, developers, and designers
- Secure your bike while you shop, work, or sleep
Bike lockers provide security for your bike while you shop, work, or sleep
- Sewer services
Find out about sewerage services provided by Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD), and how to ask questions and find additional information.
- Sidewalk Repairs
Damaged or uneven sidewalks are unsightly and can be a hazard. To report a sidewalk in need of repair, use the Asheville App or call 828-259-5852.
- Sign up for AVL Alert
Keep updated through the City of Asheville on emergency and non-emergency subscriptions.
- Sign up for city e-newsletter
Receive City News in your inbox!
- Sign up for Community Connect
Sign up your household residence with Community Connect to aid first responders and emergency personnel.
- Sign up for the Citizen’s Police Academy
Apply for the Citizens Police Academy to learn about the police department and law enforcement.
- SOAR Financial Assistance Program
SOAR (Scholarships for Opportunities & Access to Recreation) may be available for youth and teen programs.
- Spay and neuter law
All dogs and cats six months of age or older must be spayed or neutered, or the owner must posses an Unaltered Pet Permit.
- Start a neighborhood watch
Guidelines for starting a neighborhood watch to protect your neighborhood.
- Start or stop water service
Instructions for starting or stopping water service.
- Streets, sidewalks, lanes, and greenways closures map
This map details active filings for street closures submitted to the City of Asheville
- Submit a complaint about the police
How to submit a complaint about treatment by a police department employee or other concerns about the handling of an incident.
- Submit a tip to the police
Instructions on how to submit an anonymous tip to the police via text, phone, email, or using an online form.
- Submit a Trespass Letter to the Police
This online form makes it easy for residents of the city of Asheville to eSign a trespass letter to be held on file at the Asheville Police Department.
Items beginning with the letter T
- Terrorism awareness information
See Something, Say Something... Report tips and crime to your local law enforcement.
- Thank a police department employee
Learn how to let the police department know if you receive service that you feel is worthy of a commendation.
- Tips for Crime Prevention on Business and Commercial Properties
Steps to Prevent and Reduce Crime
- Tips for preventing school violence
How to handle and prevent violence at school.
- Transit Fares and Passes
Information about fares for riding the bus, as well as ticket booklets, monthly passes, and annual passes.
- Transit Maps and Schedules
Bus route information, maps and schedules.
- Transit Service Alerts
Alerts such as route delays, closures, and out-of-service stops.
Items beginning with the letter V
- View crimes near me
The City provides multiple tools to explore crime statistics in your area, such as by neighborhood or within a certain distance from a specific address.
Items beginning with the letter W
- Water quality and advisories
View the yearly water quality report, current advisories and outages, as well as register to be notified of advisories in your area.
- What can I recycle?
Learn about what items can be recycled in the City of Asheville, and how to prepare them for pickup.
- Wheelchairs, service animals and the ADA
Learn about using a wheelchair on the bus, service animal information, and reasonable accommodations for riders with a disability.
- Wildlife reports or complaints
Information on how to report a concern involving wildlife or bears.