Boards and Commissions


Boards and commissions related to Planning and Urban Design include the Asheville Buncombe Riverfront Commission, Design Review Committee, Asheville Downtown Commission, Historic Resources Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, Public Art and Cultural Commission, and Technical Review Committee.


Asheville Buncombe Riverfront Commission

The ABRC is an advisory board that recommends an overall policy for the continued development and sustainability of the regional riverfront to the City and the County.  The ABRC also performs River District Design Review for major works development projects.


Board of Adjustment

The Board functions as a quasi-judicial board to (1) hear and decides applications for approval of variances from the terms of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), except where the UDO places responsibility for hearing or considering such a variance with another body; (2) hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination issued or made by an administrative officer of the City in enforcing any provisions of the UDO; (3) services as the City’s Housing Code Appeals Board; and (4) performs such additional powers and duties as may be set forth elsewhere in the UDO and in other laws and regulations.


Design Review Committee

The Design Review Committee was created to perform design review for all major works in the River District Design Review area, the Central Business District, and hotels outside of those areas.


Downtown Commission

The Downtown Commission was created by City Council “…for the sustainability and continued development of downtown, a vital urban center of western North Carolina’s economic, cultural and visitor activity.” In addition to providing City Council with recommendations on all things Downtown, the Downtown Commission carries out Downtown Design Review on major development projects within the Central Business District.


Historic Resources Commission

The Historic Resources Commission reviews development proposals for properties located within one of the city’s four local historic districts, which include Albemarle Park, Biltmore Village, Montford and St. Dunstan’s, as well as properties designated as local historic landmarks. The HRC also reviews local historic landmark designation applications.


Planning and Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviews additions or proposed amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance and makes recommendations to City Council for final action. The Planning and Zoning Commission also reviews development projects, conditional zoning requests, and rezoning requests and makes recommendations to City Council for final action.


Public Art and Cultural Commission

PACC  is responsible for promoting artworks in public buildings and public spaces in the City of Asheville. They assist City staff in identifying potential projects, approving the site and content of public art, and informing residents and visitors of Asheville about public art. They also consider how public art can serve as a major attraction for artists, cultural tourism, and economic development.


Technical Review Committee

The Technical Review Committee (TRC) reviews the technical aspects of a development project i.e, traffic flow and impact, infrastructure needs, landscaping, and grading and erosion control. The TRC is comprised of city staff from the following departments: Planning & Urban Design, Development Services, Transportation, Public Works and Fire.


Urban Forestry Commission

The purpose of the Urban Forestry Commission is to foster the preservation, planting, replacement and removal of trees without denying the reasonable use and enjoyment of real property.  The Commission’s responsibilities include: facilitate the planting, growth and protection of trees within the City; foster the communication and coordination among the citizens of the City that would provide the needed support for protection of trees within the City; conduct continuing research, planning and feasibility assessments required to support the purposes of the Commission; and work with City staff to promote and enforce Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville regarding the regulation of planting, protection, preservation and removal of trees.

Contact Information

Jackson Marks – 828-259-5408